Blog Posts Business Management

The Future of Business is Smarter Digital

Blog: Jim Sinur

For the last few years we have been pursuing digital through taking advantage of better emerging methods and technologies applied to customer interactions, operational productivity and even new digitally enabled usiness models. While these efforts will continue at full speed, they will not be good enough without AI. There are three major thrusts of AI from a business perspective that need to be considered by the CX levels. There is Entity AI, Process AI and Interaction AI, all of which will contribute indivdually or in concert to new ways of doing business while increasing productivity of most every thing and everyone that contributes to business.

Entity AI:

This is where intelligence is applied to each and every person place or thing. Each entity will have the advantage of intelligence apllied to it over and above it’s base intelligence. This will be the dynamic and real time application of incremental intelligence as new intelligence emerges or entities are put into new and different contexts. This will be true for knowledge workers as well as each participant of the internet of things (IoT). With programmable GPUs, TPUs and CPUs, intelligence can either be determined at the source (edge) or in aggreagate and pushed to the source (edge). Entity AI alone will increase productiivty greatly.

Process AI:

Process AI is where intelligence will be appiled to pulling in the right resource at the right time and equipping that resource additional intelligence to complete tasks as effeciently and effectively as porssible. Often new diigtal processes witll be goal driven and smart enough to adapt themselves and pick / enhance the resources needed to atain a proper level of goal attainment even if the goals are complex and conflicting.

Interaction AI:

Interaction AI will be looking at what context entities and processes are operating in and apply intelligence that will help them adapt to changing conditions from simple to complex and will help balance between operational and strategic goals. Interaction AI will be looking for the patterns of emerging events to make key decisions, give advice on actions and even take independent action, if given a high freedom level.

Net: Net:

Eveything and everyone will be getting a smart boost from time to time in the new digital business eara. For the new and unititiated, it will be more often than for the more expreienced. However in today’s changing world we all will have to play the learing resource role. Let’s get digital smart as fast as we can.

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