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Process Improvement Consultant GP

Blog: iDatix Blog

Responsible for the consultative, education and direct support of DocuPhase ECM and Workflow implementations.  The core competencies of this practice will include, sales support, business process analysis, business process re-engineering, solution configuration and integration to Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains accounting solutions.

Works with project teams and stakeholders to ensure that all activities associated with an assigned engagement or project have established proper ownership, responsibility and accountability for work efforts.
Ensure that work efforts:

  • Conduct process analysis and create workflow models for enterprise level business functions.
  • Participate in design and road map discussions and provide strategic direction on the final design and deployment approach.
  • Evaluate and measure the effectiveness of deployed solutions and be able to convey the value of improvements to client and DocuPhase management teams.
  • Provide in depth technical information to all appropriate requesting entities.
  • Document test plans and results, technical issues, bugs, solutions, and potentially many other activities in order to provide a record of useful data to DocuPhase and customers.
  • Coordinates all implementation efforts with DocuPhase Project Manager and leads associated steering committees as needed.
  • Manage activities for specific performance tests and technologies as senior technical resource.
  • Collaborates with functional teams to create and evaluate recommendations to improve process design.
  • Creates appropriate action plans and ensures execution of the plans against agreed upon deadlines.
  • Coordinate and participate in customer escalations, often as the lead DocuPhase representative
  • Plays a key role in identifying and implementing cost savings and process improvement projects.
  • Identifies and investigates control and risk mitigation opportunities utilizing various root cause analysis and problem solving techniques.
  • Collaborates in the development of performance measurement systems and comprehensive management reporting to support effective process and performance management.
  • Participates in cross-functional problem solving process improvement efforts to understand, document, and improve current processes that drive effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Assists with pre-sale needs assessments as required.
  • Conduct training sessions as needed in the areas of Process Analysis and Consulting.
  • Develop/Modify SSRS reports.
  • Develop/Modify FRx, MR Reports.


  • Paid Vacation
  • Paid Holidays
  • Health Insurance
  • Dental Insurance

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