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Mockito Tutorial: A Guide for Beginners

Mockito is a powerful open-source Java testing framework that allows developers to easily create and use mock objects in their unit tests. It simplifies the process of isolating and testing individual components of a software system by simulating the behavior of dependencies.

With Mockito, you can write reliable and maintainable tests that isolate the functionality you are testing. Let’s dive in and unlock the potential of Mockito!

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What is Mockito?

Mockito is an invaluable tool for Java developers that revolutionizes how unit tests are conducted. By enabling the creation and utilization of mock objects, developers can effortlessly simulate the behavior of dependencies. This ensures that individual software components can be isolated and thoroughly tested, promoting a more efficient and accurate testing process.

With its intuitive features, Mockito empowers developers to write dependable and sustainable tests, thereby enhancing their software projects’ overall quality and stability. By leveraging Mockito, developers can embrace a comprehensive testing approach, resulting in a more robust and error-resistant software system.
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Why Use Mockito?

There are several reasons why developers choose to use Mockito for their Java testing needs. Mentioned below are some key points to consider:

Setting Up Mockito in Your Project

By following the below-given steps, you can easily set up and use Mockito in your project:

You must first add the Mockito dependency to your project’s build configuration file (e.g., pom.xml for Maven or build.gradle for Gradle). On opening the configuration file, the following dependency must be added:

For Maven:


For Gradle:

testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:3.12.4'

This dependency ensures that Mockito is available during testing.

Now that you have added the Mockito dependency, you must configure your testing environment to recognize Mockito annotations. Mockito uses annotations such as ‘@Mock’ and ‘@InjectMocks’ to create and inject mock objects.

If you are using JUnit 4, add the below-mentioned runner annotation to your test class:

public class YourTestClass {
    // ...

If you are instead using JUnit 5, add the Mockito extension to your test class, declaring it as an extension as shown below:

public class YourTestClass {
    // ...

With the setup complete, you can now create mock objects using Mockito. Consider the following example:

public class YourClass {
    public String getValue() {
        // Some implementation

public class YourTestClass {

    YourClass mockedClass;

    ClassUnderTest classUnderTest;

    public void setup() {

    public void testYourMethod() {
        Mockito.when(mockedClass.getValue()).thenReturn("Mocked value");
        // Invoke the method being tested
        // Assertions or verifications

In the above example, ‘@Mock’ is used to create a mock object, and ‘@InjectMocks’ is used to inject the mock object into the tested class (ClassUnderTest). The ‘@BeforeEach’ setup method initializes the mock objects, and the ‘@Test’ method demonstrates how to use Mockito to stub/mock behavior for testing.

Mockito provides various methods to verify interactions with mock objects. Here’s an example:

public void testMockInteraction() {
    // Invoke the method being tested


In this example, ‘Mockito.verify’ checks if the method ‘someMethod’ of the mock object ‘mockedClass’ was invoked during the test.

Thus, you have successfully set up Mockito in your project.

How to Write Test Cases Using Mockito

When writing test cases using Mockito, following a structured and formal approach is important. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing test cases using Mockito:

The post Mockito Tutorial: A Guide for Beginners appeared first on Intellipaat Blog.

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