Blog Posts Business Management

How Does Audio Conferencing Help your Business?

Blog: NASSCOM Official Blog

Audio Conferencing has many obvious benefits, but the advantages & disadvantages depend on the service provider To help you make your selection easy, we’ve gone ahead and listed some incredible benefits of audio conferencing.


  1. Dial-Out Saves Time:

Sharing bridge line numbers and personalized PINs for conference participants and hoping everyone joins on time can be tiring. But, grptalk solves the problem by reversing the process and dialing out to participants.


  1. It’s An App:

Expensive hardware is one of the main reasons most organizations feel conferencing is inefficient and cumbersome. However, grptalk is an app that you can install on your mobile device, and start conferencing instantly.


  1. Participants Don’t Need Internet:  

Unlike other conferencing solutions, grptalk participants don’t need to connect to the internet or download the app to receive calls. Hosts just need to select contacts, create groups and schedule or initiate calls. Call participants don’t require internet to join any conference, all you need is your phone and you are ready to go.  


  1. Easy Call Management:

Most conferencing solutions have hosts second guessing who joined the call and who didn’t, which makes call management a corporate nightmare. Not anymore though. With grptalk’s user interface, hosts know who joined the call and at what time.


  1. Flexible Customized Plans :

Conference call pricing plans let you choose to pay as you go, depending on the number of minutes consumed during conference calls. Alternatively, you can get a custom plan for your business.  In comparison to other conferencing solutions, grptalk provides cost-effective and smart pricing options to its users, meaning no contract signups or unexpected charges.

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