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Customers: Do You Want to Be Stalked Or Ghosted?

Customers are in the driver’s seat now. They have more say than ever before in how they interact with the companies they do business with.Girl_using_phone_resized

Verint recently commissioned a research survey about customer service expectations in association with Opinium Research and consultancy firm Ovum. (For those who may not be familiar with the term “ghosted”—it refers to the sudden vanishing from someone’s life by a significant other.)

As highlighted in a recent CMSWire feature, more than 18,000 global survey respondents provided some interesting feedback.

For example, many younger customers don’t mind being “stalked”—Americans aged 18-to-34 were more comfortable with personalization (at 59 percent) compared with those 35 years and older. Of the older consumers, less than half (46 percent) would take personalization over privacy.

Clearly engagement is not one size fits all—and what’s at stake is long-term brand loyalty. As Verint’s Dave Capuano, global vice president, integrated marketing, told CMSWire, “This is a call to action for businesses to think about how they are engaging with customers who are more empowered than they have ever been before.”

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The post Customers: Do You Want to Be Stalked Or Ghosted? appeared first on Customer Experience Management Blog.

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