Why To Consider BPMN 2.0
Brief presentation summarizing some new features introduced by BPMN 2.0, focusing on few points (made to answer to particular needs of a research project)
Why to Consider BPMN 2.0?
Michele Chinosi
[a very brief and quick introduction]
3 May 2004: BPMN 1.0 released by BPMI.org
BPMN: Business Process Modeling Notation
BPMI: Business Process Management Initiative
2 February 2006: OMG adopted BPMN 1.0 specs
5 June 2007: BPMN 2.0 RFP published by OMG
Ferbrary 2008: BPMN 1.1 released by OMG
January 2009: BPMN 1.2
Nothing changed
14 August 2009: BPMN 2.0 beta 1 released
BPMN: Business Process Model & Notation
March / June 2010: BPMN 2.0 final release
[BPMN 1.1 poster]
[what's new in BPMN 2.0]
Gateways (updated)
Exclusive/Parallel Event-based Gateway (instantiate)
semantics: they stand at the beginning of a process
Tasks/SubProcesses (updated)
Event-Subprocess, used to handle occurring Events in the bounding Subprocess
Call Activity, reference to a globally defined (Sub-)Process
BusinessRule Tasks
Sequential Multi-Instance Activity
Artifacts (updated)
Data Objects
Events (updated)
Event-Subprocess Interrupting and Non-Interrupting
if an escalation happens, the next higher level of responsibility shall be
[what's new behind BPMN 2.0]
Complete Metamodel
Process Modeling Conformance
Choreographies / Orchestration / Collaboration /
BPMN Execution Semantics
BPMN - BPEL mapping
XML Serialization (complete XSD)
Diagram Interchange
[what's new around BPMN 2.0]
BPEL4People WS-Transactions
ebXML BPSS WS-Coordination
UML WS-HumanTask
[BPMN 2.0 elements for dynamicity]
Business Rule Task
A Business Rule Task provides a mechanism for the Process to provide input to a
Business Rules Engine and to get the output of calculations that the Business
Rules Engine might provide. The InputOutputSpecification of the Task will allow
the Process to send data to and receive data from the Business Rules Engine.
Service Task
A Service Task is a Task that uses some sort of service, which could be a Web
service or an automated application. The Service Task inputs map to the parts
of the input Message, that is the attributes inside of the Message. For a WSDL
message, this would be expressed as message parts.
[BPMN 2.0 elements for abstraction]
Callable element
CallableElement is the abstract super class of all
Activities that have been defined outside of a Process
or Choreography but which can be called (or reused)
from within a Process or Choreography. It may
reference Interfaces that define the service
operations that it provides. A Callable element could
be exsposed as a Service.
Call Activity
A Call Activity identifies a point in the Process where
a global Process or a Global Task is used. The Call
Activity acts as a ‘wrapper’ for the invocation of a
global Process or Global Task within the execution.
The activation of a call Activity results in the transfer
of control to the called global Process or Global Task.
Global Task
A Global Task is a reusable, atomic Task definition
that can be called from within any Process by a Call
[BPMN 2.0 useful links]
BPMN main page: http://www.bpmn.org/
BPMN 1.2: http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/1.2/
BPMN 2.0 beta 1: http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/
BPMN Community dashboard: http://en.bpmn-community.org/
BPMN main page: http://www.bpmn.org/
BPM Essentials: http://www.bpmessentials.com/
BPM Research: http://www.bpm-research.com/
Books & Blogs
B. Silver: BPMN Method & Style
White, Miers: BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide/Understanding and Using
T. Allweyer: BPMN 2.0 - Business Process Model and Notation
Grosskopf, Decker, Weske: The Process/Business Process Modeling using
BPMN, http://www.bpmn-book.com/
M. zur Muehlen: Workflow-based Process Controlling (available for free in PDF)
[BPMN 2.0 free editors]
Oryx online editor: http://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/Oryx
BizAgi editor (Windows): http://www.bizagi.com/
Sketchpad Java editor (still in development): http://sourceforge.
Intalio|BPM community edition: http://www.intalio.
Eclipse BPMN modeler: http://www.eclipse.org/bpmn/
Visio stencils:
Other tools & info: http://bpmn.org/BPMN_Supporters.htm
[coq ou vin in BPMN sauce]
from http://www.bpmn.info