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What is a Brute Force Attack?

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What is a Brute Force Attack?

In a brute force attack, hackers try to guess the login information, encryption keys, etc., by using trial and error. They try to guess the information, using all possible combinations. The hackers employ a brute force attack, meaning they attack using extreme force. They try to force their way into private accounts.

Even though a brute force attack is an old way of attacking, it still remains popular with hackers as an effective method of hacking. Depending on how long or complex a password is, it can take anywhere between a few seconds to a few years to crack it.

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Types of Brute Force Attacks

Different types of brute force attacks use different methods to reveal sensitive data. Some of the popular types of brute force attacks are as follows:

Simple Brute Force Attacks

In simple brute force attacks, hackers try to guess your passwords without any help from software or tools. Sometimes, really simple PINs or passwords are revealed by this method. Passwords such as user123 and house1234 are easy targets.

Dictionary Attacks

While dictionary attacks are not necessarily brute force attacks, they are an important type of password-cracking method. In a dictionary attack, hackers target a particular username and then run all possible passwords against it. Some hackers go through unabridged dictionaries and augmented words and mix them with characters and numbers. Dictionary attacks can be tiresome.

Hybrid Brute Force Attacks

Hybrid brute force attacks use logical guesses along with outside means to try to break in. A hybrid brute force attack usually utilizes brute force attacks and dictionary attacks. Hybrid brute force attack is useful in finding combination passwords where common words are mixed with random characters. This includes passwords such as Mumbai1992, Mike987, etc.

Reverse Brute Force Attacks

In a reverse brute force attack, the attack strategy is reversed. An attacker starts with a known password and then goes through millions of usernames to find a match. These known passwords usually come from leaked passwords available online from data breaches.

Credentials Stuffing

When hackers figure out a username–password combo that works, they use it in other websites as well. Many users are known to use the same username–password combo, and become exclusive targets for these attacks.

Check out this Cybersecurity Tutorial to learn Cybersecurity Essentials!

Brute Force Attack Tools

Just sitting around trying to guess passwords can take a lot of time, and that is why hackers have developed some tools to help them in the process.

Automated Tools

Automated tools speed up the entire process of guessing passwords, which helps the process of brute force attacks. Automated tools have a rapid-fire guessing feature that helps in creating and attempting every possible password. Automated tools can find one dictionary-word password in one second. Automated tools can work around various setbacks and:

Tools That Compute Pre-Scan Rainbow Tools

Some tools can be used to pre-scan the rainbow tables for all known inputs and outputs of the hash functions. These hash functions are nothing but algorithm-based encryption methods that are used to convert passwords into long series of numbers and letters.

Learn Ethical Hacking with this Ethical Hacking program from Intellipaat!

How to Prevent Brute Force Attacks

There are precautions that can be taken to keep the network safe from brute force attacks:

Now that the basics are out of the way, we can move on to more professional steps that can be taken to tighten up security.

Career Transition

Passive Backend Protection for Passwords

Active IT Support Protections for Passwords

Brute Force Attacks vs Dictionary Attacks

Parameter Brute Force Attack Dictionary Attack
Definition Hackers try to find the password by trying every possible combination. Hackers try to find the password from a list of options.
Attempts The maximum number of characters and the length decide the number of attempts. The possible combinations are based on likely values and do not include far-off guesses. This can be based on patterns, key information, etc.
Time The time taken is much greater, but so is the coverage. The time taken is reduced because the combinations are restricted, this also reduces the coverage.
Example If there is a combination lock that requires three digits, we will try all combinations such as 1-2-3, 1-2-4, etc. The name of the user may be known, and if it is a combination lock, we can start by using the user’s birthday and then move on to their family members’ and friends’ birthdays.

Become a Cyber Security Expert


Online safety is crucial in this digital era. Brute force attacks are one of those things that users have to be careful of as they can compromise the users’ security online. All types of brute force attacks can be prevented if some precautions are taken.

Preparing for a job interview? Have a look at our Cyber Security interview questions with answers and start preparing now!

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