business management blog posts

What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Always Stay in Vegas – Part Two

In my previous post about Verint’s Engage 2015 global customer conference, I summarized session observations and attendee conversations related to speech analytics. Here, in part two of this blog series, we’ll take a look at the session I co-presented about contact center technology demand.

The highlight of the event for me was the session in which I presented alongside Andrew Studee, vice president, strategic consulting services, Verint Enterprise Intelligence Solutions. Andrew and I decided that our topic should address which technology solutions are in greatest demand in 2015, and how to get the most bang for the bucks you spend on those technology solutions.Paris_Hotel_at_night_resized_for_blog

The second challenge that we faced was timing. We had been assigned to present during the last afternoon session of the third day. Normally that wouldn’t sound too daunting, but keep in mind that our presentation was the only thing standing between event delegates and a private pool party that featured plenty of food and beverages, an Elvis impersonator, caricature artists, palm readers and a live band. The session, however, was very-well attended—and the fact that so many delegates attended the presentation from start to finish at the end of the day is a testament to the professionalism of these Verint customers.

Turning now to the results of the 2015 Saddletree Research/NACC survey of end users, we began our discussion by presenting a list of the top five technology solutions that would be purchased in 2015. That list is reproduced below:


For each of the contact center solutions in the top five, I addressed market conditions driving the demand for the solution, while Andrew discussed steps that should be taken to help ensure that the maximum benefit is realized from the investment.

From the perspective of one who is neither a Verint employee nor a Verint customer, Engage was a fascinating event for me. The mutual respect between Verint and its customers was palpable throughout the conference, and the time and effort that went into organizing Engage paid off innumerable times over as the event ran, as Sinatra might say, smooth as silk.

After my experience at Verint Engage, I’m starting to think that my Vegas luck might be changing. As this blog proves, what happened with my Verint Engage experience in Vegas this year won’t stay in Vegas.

The post What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Always Stay in Vegas – Part Two appeared first on Customer Experience Management Blog.