Blog Posts Process Management

Welcome the Newest Member of the TIBCO BPM Family! TIBCO Nimbus Maps

Blog: The Tibco Blog

I am happy to announce the newest member of the TIBCO BPM family! TIBCO Nimbus Maps is a brand new software service designed to enable you to define, simplify, share, and change your processes in minutes. For a business to successfully transform or grow, it needs the ability to communicate clearly how to get things done the right way. The easiest way to do this is to map out your business!

Mapping one’s business may sound like it is only for massive organizations with massive consulting budgets. Enter Nimbus Maps, which makes it easy enough that you can do it yourself no matter the size of your business. After all, no one knows your business better than you.

You can map your own business processes and operations to lessen the pain of business growth and rapid employee onboarding. Or, communicate major operational changes or digital transformation efforts to your entire organization to minimize business disruption.

Maps Makes It Easy


Nimbus Maps simplifies process design by helping you focus on the four most important questions:

What should be done?
Who should be doing it?
What do they need to do it?
What should their output be?

Wasn’t that easy? So easy in fact, that it is accessible to everyone within your organization.

Provide the Right Information

Each activity can now contain more details. There can be drill downs to additional process maps that describe exactly how to accomplish that activity. You can include documents, forms, or instructions needed for the activity. Your employees will have easy access to the most up-to-date version anytime they need it. You can also provide links to additional information or external systems that need to be accessed at that point.


Communicate and Collaborate

Good feedback can come from anywhere in your organization. Nimbus Maps provides the ability for the entire organization to leave feedback directly on a process map if they find a problem or think of a way to do it better.

Feedback also happens in a loop. Because of this, Nimbus Maps has built-in collaboration for the process mapping team directly in the process mapper. Mappers can also work on a separate version of the process and go back and forth on changes while the current version is published. Process maps can also define approvers and reviewers that have to sign off on all changes before being published.

All of this comes together to empower you to become your own digital change agent and move your business, business unit, or department into the digital world with ease. See for yourself! Try out TIBCO Nimbus™ Maps for 30 days for free, and learn more about the Nimbus Maps launch here.

If you are in the neighborhood, come by Gartner’s Business Transformation & Process Management Summit in London March 16-17 for a demo of TIBCO Nimbus Maps. Attend my session, Confessions of a Process-oholic: A True Story on Wednesday, March 16 at 3:30 in Westminster C.

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