process modeling bpmn presentations

Reasoning with taskless BPMN


Reasoning with Taskless BPMNIvo Velitchkov | 18 April 2013 @kvistgaardTransformationStateWhy BPMN?CyberneticsSemantic technologiesBPMNVariety Execution EAWhy ST? @kvistgaard @kvistgaard- State- Transformation- Variety @kvistgaardTransformation @kvistgaardTransformation @kvistgaardTransformation (pre-defined)rules @kvistgaardTransformations (pre-defined)rulesObjective: green circle @kvistgaardTransformations (pre-defined)Objective: green circle @kvistgaardI knowshapesI knowcoloursI canchangecoloursWe canchangeshapesTransformation (knowledge-based)capabilities @kvistgaard- State- Transformation- Variety @kvistgaardhorsewalk -> trot -> canter -> gallopimage source:“By a state of a system is meant any well-defined condition or propertythat can be recognised if it occurs again.” (R. Ashby) @kvistgaardtransitiontransformationrelativeStatealso dynamicvariety12:30 = 06:03walk -> trot -> canter -> gallopexample: horsecomplexitycontrol @kvistgaardtablet tablethandheld handheldread read*write write*clay {many}V1 < V2Image source: @kvistgaardPPPPM @kvistgaardPPPPM @kvistgaardTransformationStateWhy BPMN?CyberneticsSemantic technologiesBPMNVariety Execution EAWhy ST? Why BPMN?• 76 implementers• Increasing adoption• Problems with semantics ofmany elements (lanes, tasks,some gateways and events)• Very weak on data and rules• Can’t express many commonsituations, yet has enormousnumber of elements• Missing time dimension• Not suitable for knowledgeprocesses• …. @kvistgaardconsensuscoherenceACDGBWhy BPMN?Based on Consensus/Coherence model of D. Snowden. Source: @kvistgaard“A Task is an atomic Activity within a Process flow. ATask is used when the work in the Process cannot bebroken down to a finer level of detail. “BPMN2.0, p. 156…so you can’tTasks are atomic @kvistgaardTasks try to restrict what should be doneduring run time with what is known duringdesign time… and that’s often not muchTasks are restrictive @kvistgaardLet’s see what will happenwithout BPMN tasksTask-free @kvistgaardBPMNWithout tasks, we’ll have…… a leaner BPMN @kvistgaardWithout tasks, our models can…...absorb more variety @kvistgaard“The definition of these states, e.g., possiblevalues and any specific semantic are out ofscope of this specification. Therefore, BPMNadopters can use the State element and theBPMN extensibility capabilities to define theirstates.” @kvistgaard @kvistgaard @kvistgaardSTART C1 C2 C3 C4 ENDA BC1. A in START2. C1=true for A; B in START3. A waiting for C3; C1=true for B4. C3=true for A; C2=true for B; C in START @kvistgaard[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] @kvistgaard @kvistgaardJob Application example @kvistgaard…with interruption @kvistgaard…using only conditional events @kvistgaardTwo types of use cases so far:• Process improvement– Derive to-be models• But not from as-is, from ideal process (inspired byAckoff ideal design) + constraints• Case management with some degree ofuncertaintyThe first results @kvistgaardTransformationStateWhy BPMN?CyberneticsSemantic technologiesBPMNVariety Execution EAWhy ST? @kvistgaard• OPEN– Open world assumption– Open-source data• NATURAL– Descriptions are close to the natural language, yetunderstandable by machines– Rules are a natural part of the semantic webecosystemWhy using Semantic Technologies? @kvistgaardSource:` @kvistgaard[ ] @kvistgaardA @kvistgaardCLASSES PROPERTIESCore Civil Service Ontology @kvistgaardLeaner and easier BPMNCan deal with more uncertaintyExecution through inferenceOpen Enterprise Architecture