Blog Posts Decision / Rules Management DMN

Real World DMN: Who Models Decisions?

Blog: Lux Magi - Decision Management for Finance

One of the main motivations that  James Taylor and I had for writing our book Real World Decision Modeling with DMN  was sharing our  experience of using decision modeling on many large projects and training engagements. One specific question that interested us was: “who uses Decision Modeling?

So which specific project team members are most often tasked with building and maintaining a decision model (using DMN or any other notation)? We’d would be interested in your views and experiences. Let us know about your experience.

James already covered in another article why project teams build decision models, but who is generally tasked with creating and updating these documents?

In our experience this responsibility normally falls to (in descending order of likelihood):

What is your experience? Who uses decision modeling in your company?

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