Blog Posts Process Analysis

Project Delivery Process D392

Blog: Biz-Performance, David Brown

D392 – Set-up, Execute & Manage Application Software Prototyping Workshops

SIIPS Delivery Processes (D).png


SIIPS D392.pngThe purpose of this activity is to prepare for and conduct a group of prototyping sessions scheduled for an individual business process, business area or site, based on the initial Application Software model, the prototyping plan and schedule developed earlier.  This supports the iterative prototyping described in Process D400 or D450.


The objectives are to:
  • execute prototyping scripts carefully to ensure accurate feedback, and
  • begin the process of acquainting customers at all levels with the look and feel of the new system.
This process provides and manages the prototyping environment to be used during iterative prototyping – see Processes D400/D450.  Every business process to be implemented should go through the prototyping process.


Normal practice in iterative prototyping approaches.


Prerequisites (Finish-Start):
  • Prepare and plan prototyping approach – Process D211
Prerequisites (Start-Start):
  • Development system operational – Process D130
Prerequisites (Finish-Finish):
  • Configure initial model – Process D364
  • Build core testing data for prototyping – Process D 383
Dependent procedures (Start-Start):
  • Iterative prototyping – processes D400/D450


  • IP – Prototyping approach (D211)
  • Initial base model including business process maps (D364)
  • Core testing data (D383)
  • Working development environment
  • Prototyping team set up and members educated


  • Prototyping environment
  • Prototyping workshop facilities ready to use
  • Application Software installation and initial model tested for prototyping
  • Business process maps in a presentable format
  • All prototyping team members informed of workshop activities
  • Prototyping session results
  • System customised to customer needs.


  • Prototyping Session Log


Set up Prototyping Workshops

The prototyping workshops will be set up in this subtask.  This includes:
  • Defining the sequence in which business processes will be investigated,
  • Preparing the business process material from the project model in a format which can be used as a base for group discussions in the prototyping team. This could include the use of Application Software processes and associated Application Screen Cams from the initial model defined in process D364.
  • Informing prototyping team members of the planned workshop activities, including:
    • planned workshop dates,
    • responsibilities in the prototyping workshops,
    • preparatory material and
    • deliverables,
  • Organising prototyping workshop facilities:
    • workshop rooms have to be scheduled,
    • the technical equipment made available in these rooms,
    • the needed functionality of the Application Software system secured, including a proto­typing client, user master data organised as well as access to all system functions needed has to be made accessible and
    • the test data has to be made available in the prototyping environment.


Project Mgt
Ensures prototyping environment configuration is performed in a timely manner in relation to dependent project activities
Tech Mgt
Tests hardware and Application Software installation necessary to support prototyping
Prepares business process material
Reserves Facilities, including rooms and end-user equipment,
prepare themselves for the prototyping workshops.

Conduct Prototyping Session

The purpose of this task is to conduct a prototyping workshop per topic to be investigated and to document the results of these workshops. The topics will be as defined in Process D100/D200 and normally represent areas of business processes.
Each workshop is performed to evaluate the functionality of the initial Application Software model by using cases of regular business activities.  The business cases to be handled in the process will be supported by the core testing data already available in the initial prototype.
The workshop business process, will be demonstrated and discussed on the prototyping system based on the process maps:
  • Each business process step will be investigated.  The sequence of steps and the scope of each step has to be clearly defined.  The use of source documents for entering data (e.g. other systems like imaging systems, forms) and their content should be defined.  Deliverables from each process step are defined.
  • The used Application Software functions for each step will be defined.  It is important to look at the coverage of the system function vs. what is needed within each step. All data to be used should be investigated for
    • master data including numbering intervals, match code tables and other option tables and
    • transaction data including document types, number ranges, document contents, match code tables and other option tables.
The scope of each process step should be covered without major breaks within the application and all needed data available in the format needed (field format, references to other information, create/update/read). Information has to be transported between process steps in the sequence required.  The use of the information in the source documents within the application will be looked at and any searching routines defined (e.g. how do you find a client number, based on the information in an order?).  Any procedures to run online or in the background, like availability checks should be investigated.
The handling of periodic transactions like weekly production planning runs or month end reporting including the timing of these should be addressed when investigating each process.
  • The responsibility for the execution of the process step has to be defined.  User access has to be cut to the necessary activities.  Authorisations for transporting the information to the next process step have to be considered (e.g. dual person authorisation for payments might be requested).
The initial model will be used as a basis for discussing whether the system will cover user needs.  The process maps will be used to show which steps are performed in the process. In the prototype, basic customising can be performed to check client needs, though the full customising will not be performed until the construction phase.  Master data would normally cover one or a few examples per data type.  As an example, different account types or material types would be customised to demonstrate the handling of different account types or material types, the full implementation of the Chart of Accounts or the full materials list will be converted in the construction phase.  Table customising would be performed for all major business case types, e.g. company codes would be installed for all major companies, though posting periods need not be fully implemented until the construction or readiness phase.
If any issues turn up in handling the business case with the prototyping model, they will be registered and subsequently adapted to the client companyís needs.

Objectives of this task are:

  • Conduct the session according to predefined plan and procedures
  • Create an atmosphere conducive to effective customer participation
  • Develop a complete understanding of the software’s functionality and ability to meet defined requirements
  • Document results in accordance with predefined format.

Information Sources:

  • Customer staff
  • Application Software Prototyping Plan
  • Prototyping Schedule
  • Prototyping Procedures
  • Prototype Data Structures
Results from the prototyping sessions are recorded in the Implementation Papers (see Processes D400/D450).  Details should include :
  • Summary of scenario results
  • Policy issues requiring resolution
  • Changes required to existing procedures
  • Recommended Application Software options and parameters
  • Suggested modifications to Application Software
  • Other customer comments and suggestions.


Project Mgt
Monitors prototyping activities
User Co-ord
Monitors prototyping activities
Performs prototyping activities
Directs prototyping sessions
Assists in the direction of prototyping sessions

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