Blog Posts Process Analysis

Project Delivery Process D354

Blog: Biz-Performance, David Brown

D354 – Select Business Processes from  Software Application Reference Model

SIIPS Delivery Processes (D).png


SIIPS D354.pngSelect business processes from the Software Application Reference Model.  Examine any business process options which remain outstanding and agree the best practice to be adopted within the capabilities of the Application Software.


Making use of the Software Application reference model,  evaluate and describe business processes within the Application framework.  Identify processes outside of the Application scope and their impact on business activities.


Normal practice for Software Application implementations where the reference model is being used.


Prerequisites (Finish-Finish):
  • Define, agree and set-up global parameters (D322)
  • Define, agree and set-up Application Organisational Structures (D324)
Dependent procedures (Finish-Finish):
  • Configure initial model (D354)


  • Application Software business enterprise model


  • Selected business processes


  • Software Reference Model
  • Business Process Management toolset



Much of this information might have been produced during project scoping.  If so, the materials should be reviewed and brought up-to-date.  If not, refer to the Application reference model and the business models produced in R065.
Identifying the processes
Prepare a list of all relevant business transactions/processes of the company areas concerned.  Provide a full description of  the transactions involved.  Be sure to keep the processing grouped according to business area.
The processes identified and categorised should be given a short reference, such as a number, which allows for the identification of sub-processes.

Eliminate unnecessary processes

Not all processes will be handled by the Application system (for example, those unrelated to goods and services, but not excluding any required or creative processes such as statistics and accounting information).  The task here is to identify the ones which are necessary and the ones which are not.  Inevitably, there will be some grey area.  The final division of processes should be signed-off by the client organisation before scripting of the processes commences.
The importance of the processes deemed “unnecessary” should be considered.  The processes in this list may be rated as:
  • important to business activities,
  • simplifying business activities, or
  • “cosmetic.”

If the processes are important, check first to ensure that they cannot be handled by the Application system.  If not, consider the IT solutions currently in use and how they can best work with the Application system or how the process can be redesigned for greater functionality.

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