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Processing CloudEvents with Drools

Blog: Drools & jBPM Blog

drools-cloudevents ( ) is a standalone service which processes CloudEvents, evaluating them against a set of rules expressed in a simple YAML format.

Currently, it’s a simple stateless service, but we consider enhancements based on Drools capabilities. E.g. stateful service, events correlation, persistence

How to use

You can run the example with Quarkus dev mode.

mvn clean compile quarkus:dev

To test the service, open a new terminal and run:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/drools/evaluate 
  -H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" 
  -H "Ce-Type: fact.Measurement" 
  -H "Ce-Source: io.cloudevents.examples/user" 
  -H "Ce-Id: 536808d3-88be-4077-9d7a-a3f162705f78" 
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
  -H "Ce-Subject: SUBJ-0001" 
  -d '{"id":"color","val":"red"}'

As you see, the payload is in JSON format.

You should get a response:


Note that it is the result of the example rule.

name: org.drools.cloudevents
- name: will execute per each Measurement having ID color
  - given: fact.Measurement
    as: $m
    - "id == "color""
  then: |
    results.put("color", $m.val);

Of course, you can change the rules to meet your use case.

In addition, explains how to create a container image and run the container.


We also have an example operator for drools-cloudevents, which allows you to configure your rules in your kubernetes environment.

This operator has 2 versions:

A) Configurable-rules version

To examine this operator, please follow this

This operator simply creates a deployment of drools-cloudevents. Your rules are mounted through PV/PVC and compiled to executable-model at the time of pod start-up. It means pod start-up requires some time (with a small sample rule, the build time is around 1.3 sec).

B) Build-push version

To examine this operator, please follow this

This operator mounts rules on the operator’s file system. Then it builds a drools-cloudevents project with maven, creates a container image and pushes the image to a private registry (e.g. minikube registry). Then, the Operator creates a deployment of drools-cloudevents with the newly pushed image. The image already contains a compiled executable-model, so it gives fast start-up.

Compared to “Configurable-rules” version,



Implementation details

The operator is implemented based on quarkus-operator-sdk, especially the “ExposedApp” example : . It mostly relies on the default sdk behavior, so there is lots of room to tailor as a “drools-cloudevents” operator.


This is the first step of our PoC of “Drools in Kubernetes”. We highly appreciate any feedback and requests for such cloud use cases. Thanks!

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