E-Goverment Case Study
Blog: BPM Research
This case study focuses on the application of the Business Family Engineering (BFE) approach in the context of developing a family of processes intended to support E-administration tasks. For that purpose, we focus on the study of a defined set of administrative procedures so telematics in the context of general government. Specifically, the objective of this case study is to evaluate the feasibility of BFE for the reuse of these definitions in several public entities.
Andalussian Goverment defined, in context of the project W@ndA, a set of telematic procedures that are based in both legal and technological framework strong enough. Due to the need for compliance with Law 11/2007, University of Seville has begun the development of the definition of its procedures in telematics and evaluates the possibility to reuse part or all of the framework defined by the Andalussian Goverment.
Once the requirements specification document is defined, we will obtain the variability summary and the basic business process core specificacion. Subsequently, defined by means of choreography modelling, the collaboration scenarios for the family will be obtained.
Next step is to explore how many business process specifications from core will be used by the University of Seville. For that purpose we explore its commonality percentage and redesign the core for this instance (such as Application Engineering in the SPL field). Finally, we detect that only Digital Authentication and Digital Signature business process definitions will be reused.
In our final definition we can see that several existing elements, business processes and software applications from Andalussian Goverment framework can be reused.