process management blog posts

Connected Intelligence at Work in the O.R. and the Airport

Blog: The Tibco Blog

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Transforms the O.R.

In the United States, roughly one in 20 patients admitted to a hospital develops an infection. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, surgical site infections are the most common, accounting for more than 30 percent of occurrences, and putting patients at risk for illness, prolonged hospitalization, and death. In addition, the cost of hospital-acquired infections is estimated at $10 billion per year.

At the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Dr. John Cromwell, director of gastrointestinal, minimally invasive, and bariatric surgery, believed that predictive analytics could prevent a high percentage of surgical site infections and decrease healthcare costs. He and his team needed a flexible, enterprise-grade, advanced analytics platform that encompassed the entire analytics lifecycle—from data aggregation and preparation, to model development, deployment, and monitoring, and selected TIBCO Statistica™.

Using Statistica, results included a 58 percent reduction in surgical site infections, and, says Cromwell, “Big data and predictive analytics are transforming outcomes at virtually every point in patient care.”

Read more about the challenges faced and overcome and how the group achieves its results.

Aeroporti di Roma Lands Digital Transformation Right on Time

Aeroporti di Roma, which operates both Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport and Rome Ciampino Airport, needed to deliver innovative, efficient, and high-quality services to passengers, retailers, and the entire airport ecosystem.

“TIBCO offered a new approach, a platform to support vertical implementations and drive the future of our digital transformation,” says Head of Demand Management Floriana Chiarello. “We are using TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, Enterprise Message Service, StreamBase, Live Datamart, and TIBCO API Exchange to integrate and correlate all information to understand customer behaviors, support managing operational situations, and prevent critical events. TIBCO technology is managing all airport information and its correlation to enable decision-making.”

Benefits include operational cost reduction, improved customer experience, and increased retail revenue―and very a smart innovation in how customer flow data is captured, processed and understood. Read more.

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