Blog Posts Enterprise Architecture (EA) Process Management

Collective Knowledge Benefits Your Business

Blog: Software AG Blog - Reality Check

SAG_LinkedIn_MEME_913x560_Digital_Marketplace_Blog_3Collective knowledge is a powerful thing. Imagine if all of the world’s greatest thinkers and inventors could travel through time to be together in one place to swap ideas and brainstorm about the future of digital business. Then, you could apply these ideas and solutions to your own digital business projects.

This is what Software AG is doing with its wealth of collective knowledge—coming from our experiences, our customers and our partners. We are now sharing it with you to help you accelerate time-to-value in solution development.

Digital Marketplace is a hub of collective knowledge that is designed to bring our customers closer to the innovation potential of our Digital Business Platform. As a Marketplace user you can browse resources such as documentation and reviews, take tours of the features and benefits is applications. You can get in touch with solution vendors to evaluate and purchase their solutions.

As part of the Marketplace ecosystem you will share knowledge and provide feedback to the solutions you have acquired. You can even promote your own innovative ideas. So sign up today for the Digital Marketplace and see how we can inspire innovation.

As Thomas Edison once said, “the value of an idea lies in the using of it.” Inspiration is just a click away.

The post Collective Knowledge Benefits Your Business appeared first on Reality Check.

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