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Can BPM contribute to the Digital Journey?

Blog: Colin Crofts - Business Process Improvement

While we continue to listen and talk about Digital being a key differentiator for organizations and organizations continuing to invest in Digital, the clarity is lacking even among the practitioners.
For many of the client organizations, while some people know about it, most of them remain oblivious to the impact and concept itself. That makes it even more important for digital practitioners to take up the onus of educating the customer.
Since digital transformations cost a fortune, many organizations are sitting on the fence, waiting to see the impact of digital, before starting to make investments.
In this article, let’s discuss the components of digitalhow BPM can help the ‘fence sitters’ come to mainstream and the key benefits they can expect.
Core components of any Digital Journey are Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud. Let’s look at each of these and evaluate how BPM can help.
Components of Digital

Components of Digital Vs Benefits
Social, like we understand, would be confluence of social media with end consumers of the applications. Twitter, Facebook, Google+ are few of the social media tools by which consumers/ customers can share their experiences of working with applications and organizations. Many BPM tools support out-of-the-box social media integration enabling application users to share their feedback on social media. 
Key benefits customers can expect are Process Management Improved effectiveness of Distributed Teams.
Mobile enabled applications are a reality and while we expect everything in our personal life to be on our mobile devices, the same is not so true when we talk of enterprise applications. Organizations are skeptical when it comes to opening applications on mobile for various reasons like security, investment, response to the initiative etc. BPM applications support out-of-the-box Mobile, there by allowing organizations to try and pilot the concept and evaluate end user response.
The value of Mobile is delivered with Omni Channel Application experience leading to Customer Delight.
Analytics is mainstream, as organizations want to learn more and more about their end consumers. However, before they invest in a big data based approach, they can try the impact assessment with BPM. BPM can help analyze process behavior, business impact and can even analyze the patterns for user behavior. This can help predict consumption and buying patterns and help increase share-of-wallet or deepen consumer loyalty. And all this at a fraction of cost of a full blown big data implementation, as it comes out of the box!!
Analytics leads to Customer Delight, which all organizations long for.
Organizations are realizing that maintaining infrastructure is very expensive and moving this key component can help them being flexible and agile. Cloud is the component that helps organizations achieve this. While there are many options in market on moving infra and applications to Clouds like azure, even these are fairly expensive and require a commitment. Many BPM tools even offer Cloud hosting of applications, there by offering an alternative to outsourcing even infrastructure. This allows organizations to evaluate the operational cost, along with working model in their “On Cloud” Strategy and can be enabled by BPM! 
Cloud helps to Cost ManagementEffectiveness of Distributed Teams  & Time to Market.
At the end, we as practitioners, have to be ready to help our customers, when they need it and help them in their journey by evaluating their needs and suggesting suitable solutions, there by building mutual respect and trust.

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