business management process management case management cmmn standard presentations

Business Process Management and Case Management


My presentation from a Pega-sponsored webinar on BPM and CM on May 13, 2010


Business Process Management and Case Management
Sandy Kemsley
Kemsley Design Ltd.
From routine work to knowledge work
Case management (CM) and business process management (BPM): what’s the difference?
How CM and BPM work together
Work: Taylor vs. Drucker
Scientific management
Standardize processes to increase efficiency
Management by objectives
Participants choose actions to meet goals
Routine Work
Routine work can be analyzed and a common pattern can be automated by traditional process automation means.
Mastering The Unpredictable
Knowledge Work
Knowledge work...does not have the level of repeatability found in routine work. When it comes to work automation, any advantage gained from similarities is overwhelmed by the additional costs of having to accommodate the differences.
Mastering The Unpredictable
BPM Defined (Gartner)
Optimizing the performance of end-to-end business processes
Making the business process explicit and visible to business and IT through modeling, monitoring and optimization
Keeping the business process model in sync with process execution
CM Defined (Forrester)
Collaborative, dynamic, and information-intensive process
Requires incremental and progressive responses from the case handler to determine actions to meet goal
Proposal for CM Standard
Case involves:
A subject
A desired result
Human-determined actions performed relative to subject to achieve result
Rules for guidance, constraints and support
Case file tracks history of case, including documents and records
BPM Versus CM
CM and BPM Together
Few processes are completely structured or completely dynamic:
Structured process may spawn collaborative case for exception handling
Dynamic case may invoke structured process fragments for standard procedures
Structured Process
Step Spawns Exception Handling Case
Case Invokes Structured Process Fragments
Benefits of CM
Control/visibility over previously manual processes
Complete view of content and actions
Allows tracking end-to-end process
All information available in one place to respond to customer inquiries
Allows easy reassignment of subtasks