business management process modeling process analysis simulation bpmn bpsim presentations

BPSim Briefing


First presented at PEX Week 2013


Business Process SimulationInterchange Standard Denis Gagné, Chair BPSWG at WfMC XPDL Co-Editor at WfMC BPMN 2.0 FTF Member at OMG BPMN 2.1 RTF Member at OMG CMMN Submission at OMG Business Process Simulation Working Group BPSWG BPSim Inception Q1 2013 2012 Q3 2011 2011 Meeting in Paris, BPSim V1.0 Fr. General Availability Trisotech and Lanner Meeting in Nashua, XPDL4BPMN 2010 WfMC Establishes the USA cooperation Business Process ModSim 2009 John Januszczak presented: Simulation Working BPSim sandboxed by Creation of the Process «Simulation for Business Group (BSWG) many of the Analysis Framework (PAF)Denis Gagné presented: Process Management» contributers with intent to submit as an«Modeling and Proposed a first draft Trisotech and Lanner Open StandardSimulation in Business specification of Business contributes the ProcessProcess Management» Process Simulation Scenarios Analysis Framework PAF mapping to L-Sim, (SIM4BPM) (PAF Process Analytica and Sim4BPM Robert Shapiro presented: 66 individual members «Analytics for Performance joins the effort Optimization of BPMN 2.0 Business Processes» Combined use of statistics and simulation for structural optimization Town Hall Discussions Participants expressed the desire for a standardized transport of analysis and simulation parameters along with results of simulation runs BPSWG by Definition What it is: A Standardization Effort What it is not: A Pure Thought Leadership Effort Mandate: Developing, reviewing, promoting BPM Simulation relevant standard(s) BPSWG GoalDefine a Specification for the Parameterization and Interchange of processanalysis data allowing Structural and Capacity Analysis of a process modelproviding for Pre-execution and Post-execution optimization. Focused on the Data («in/out») (commonly the «what») and its Interchange not its interpretation or its use (the «how») or tool smart. Why BPSim Encourage wider adoption of simulation within BPM community through a standards led approach Process simulation is a valuable technique to support process design, reduce risk of change and improve efficiency in the organisation Provide a framework for the specification of simulation scenario data and results as a firm foundation for implementation Open interchange of simulation scenario data between modeling tool, simulator, results analysis/presentation tool BPSim Tenets  Not Reinvent the Wheel  Complements XPDL and BPMN  Separations of Concerns  Multiple perspectives  Reductionist  Divide and conquer  Human Consumable over Conceptual Abstraction  Structured serialization  Validation via Running Code  Sand boxing from day 1  Success Measured by Adoption  Existing implementations prior to official release Why is Interchange Desirable?To increase, stimulate, facilitate: Understanding Adoption Interoperability Creates an open market allowing: Repurposing Cost Reduction Migration Remove Vendor Lock In Best of Breed Choice within tool categories across tools categories (Suites) Who Benefits from Interchange? Business Modeling Analysts Technical Analysis Developers Business Simulation People Business Execution Partners Vendors End Users Attract and retain customers Choice in tools Demonstrate market leadership Speed of deployment Create competitive advantage Readily available Skills Develop and maintain best practice Flexibility Agility BPSim Potential Business Value Process Design & Validation Reducing Risk of Change Predict Business Process Performance (KPIs, SLAs) Decision Support Resource Allocation and Management BPSim Scope Complements existing process modeling standards “Not Reinvent the Wheel” BPSim ApproachParameterization of Business Process Model (BPMN or XPDL)from different perspectives for process analysis, simulation and optimization purposes P “Separations of Concerns” BPSim Perspectives Time Control Process Resource Cost Property Priority BPSim Scenario Collections of Scenarios containing Collections of Element Parameters Used to provide complementary information to a BPMN or XPDL business process model in the context of process analysis, simulation and optimization (ASO) A collection of Element Parameters augmenting the Business Process Model A Scenario can capture: input parameter specification for ASO; or results from ASO; or historical data from past real world execution of the business process model. “Reductionist” Some Concepts and Terms Meta-model Notation underlying computer- Notational symbols interpretable and graphical representation representation Standard Abstract Reference Concrete Syntax Syntax instance instance Your Work Interchange Reference Model Diagram Format electronic file format that eases • Process diagrams can be considered like pictures of the process model. the safeguard and transfer of • Many diagrams (or pictures) of the same process model are possible, each this data between different showing or hiding various aspects of the process model details. tools BPSim Conceptual Model BPMN or Reference XPDL instance instance instance Reference Scenario Reference Process (Input) Scenario Model Reference (Output) BPSim Interchange FormatCharacteristics Can be transported within the process model file or outside Proper extension to XPDL Proper extension to BPMN Can transport Input scenarios and Output scenarios Human Consumable (Readability) of the Resulting XML “Human Consumable over Conceptual Abstraction” BPSim Element Parameters Each element parameter of a scenario references a specific element of a process within the business process model Each element of the business process model may be parameterized with zero or multiple element parameters Perspectives  TimeParameters  ControlParameters P  ResourceParameters  CostParameters  InstanceParameters  PriorityParameters BPMN Example No No Stock Pick Stock Check Stock Yes Ship Order Stock Available? Shipment within SLA Prepare Shipment Shipment Outside SLA Input Scenario Example No No Stock Pick Stock Check Stock Yes Ship Order Stock Available? Shipment within SLA Prepare Shipment Shipment Outside SLA Simulation is often a process of discovery Examine output results Unexpected result are not necessarily a problem Primary reason for your simulation experimentation Need to find an explanation Will provide enlightment of actual process behavior vs assumed process behavior Unexplainable results are a problem BPSim Implementers Guide A document to help disambiguate implementation and use of the BPSim standard Not a complete guide to business process simulation but rather a set of examples demonstrating practical use of the BPSim standard 3 use case examples with various simulation scenarios Walk in customer with car issue(s) Originate a home loan Customer calls in with technical issue Both Input and Output Scenarios provided Walk in customer with car issue(s) Repair Car Itemized Itemized Issues Refuse New Issue Issues Refuse New Issue [Accepted] Estimate and [Completed Items] Estimate and Continue with New Issue New Issue Continue with Original Estimate Handle New Found Found Original Estimate Found Issue Itemized Issues [Accepted] No Added No More No More No Added Verify if more Take Apart Inspect Issue Found Repair Issues to Repair Issues to Repair Prepare Car Prepare Accept Remit Issue Found Issues on for Issue for Issue Issue for Remittance Invoice Payment Car Itemized List Start Repairs Completed Customer Leaves Repairs Shop Initial Estimate Initial Estimate Accepted Accepted More More Reported Issues to Repair Issues to Repair Issues Verify if Make Estimate Estimate AcceptedCustomer Arrives Initial Estimate Initial Estimate Not Accepted Not Accepted Itemized Itemized Issues Issues [Amended] [Completd Items] Initial Estimate Not Itemized Accepted Issues Add Additional Prepare Car Issue to List for remittance [Estimated] Customer Issue List Amended Repairs Aborted Repairs Aborted Requests Additional By Customer Repairs Goal Validate the control perspective of the process, in other words that it does not get stuck in unexpected loops or bypass expected paths BPSim Implementers’ Guide Originate a home loan Send Verify Close-Out Rejection Employment Rejection Letter Loan Request Loan Rejected Application [Initial] Record Loan Review Application LoanLoan officer Loan Application Application [Rejected] Receive Request Receive Loan Credit Credit Application Report Report Send Approval Close-out Letter Approval Loan Request Approved Loan Application [Approved]Title Researcher Perform Review Title Title Search Report Goal Underwrite Loan withLoan Underwritter Terms Identify potential bottlenecks in the AS-IS 1 Hour Time Limit process and potential ways to alleviate them Set with Default Terms BPSim Implementers’ Guide CustomerCustomer calls in Provide solution to customer Solution is effectivewith technical Customer issue resolved Able to provide solution Solution is not Front Office effectiveissue Customer issue Get issue description from customer Unable to provide solution Inform customer the issue is going to be escalated Request 1st level support Sollution received from 1st level of support report Goal This scenario will explore control 1st Level Techical Support Agent Able to provide 1st level solution Provide Find solution solution to 1st level issue and temporal perspectives as 1st level Issue Front Office Issue handled by 1st level support well as introducing the resourcing Request 2nd level support perspectives. The goal of the Unable to provide 1st level solution Solution received from 2nd level of simulation is to get an acceptable support trade-off between balancing the costs and utilization of the 2nd Level Techical Support Agent Able to provide 2nd level solution Provide Find solution solution to 1st workforce against process 2nd level Issue 2nd level issue level support Issue handled by 2 nd level support execution speed. There is not Request supplier likely to be a single answer to Unable to provide 2nd level solution support Solution received from supplier such a multi-dimensional analysis Supplier Provide Find sollution sollution to 2nd supplier issue level support Supplier Issue Issue handled by supplier BPSim Implementers’ Guide Demo “Validation via Running Code” BPSim Contributors and numerous others… “Success Measured by Adoption” BPSim AcknowledgementBPSim 1.0 was a collaborative effort coordinated by Denis Gagne and Robert Shapiro.BPSim 1.0 required many hours of work by individuals who had to find time to contributewhile carrying out their normal duties for the company that employs them. Weacknowledge the valuable contribution of the following individual:Andy Adler (Process Analytica), Francois Bonnet (W4), Justin Brunt (Tibco), MikeCarpenter (CACI), Peter Denno (NIST), Lloyd Dugan (DCMO), Denis Gagne (Trisotech),Torben Haag (Open Text), Hanaa Hammad (IBM), Charles Harrell (CACI), Geoff Hook(Lanner), Jeremy Horgan (Lanner), John Januszczak(SIM4BPM), Alberto Manuel(Process Sphere), Razvan Radulian (Why What How), Simon Ringuette (Trisotech),William Rivera (BizAgi), Jesus Sanchez (BizAgi), Redirley Santos (FedEx), RobertShapiro (Process Analytica), Frances Sneddon (Simul8), Tim Stephenson (KnowProcess),Tihomir Surdilovic (Red Hat). Discussions & Questions