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Announcing TIBCO Accelerators: A New Catalyst for Digital Business Innovation

Blog: The Tibco Blog

At the TIBCO NOW Tour in Paris, TIBCO announced our new TIBCO Accelerator project—a system for building open, community-driven innovation. An accelerator is a set of freely distributed, extensible code that shows developers a template and best practices about how to implement the most innovative use cases. These accelerators provide a “fast start” for developers building new applications with the TIBCO Fast Data platform.

Why is TIBCO investing in accelerators? One of our CIO customers said it well: “We went from building 2-3 new applications a year without accelerators to 20-25 new applications a year with accelerators. With a framework in place, we can build apps in a few weeks that would have taken 3-6 months—all the connectivity is there, the base UI, sample algorithms. We just extend the framework we have in place.” So, accelerators can help get 80% of the basics of an application in place quickly, and then, innovate for the last 20% by adding your “secret sauce”—what makes your business unique.

Accelerators represent a new approach to how TIBCO engages our customer ecosystem: we created an elite team of TIBCO field engineers and asked them to solve the biggest, baddest Digital Business innovation problems that our customers are throwing at us today using IoT, sensors, Spark, and Hadoop. And we asked them to solve these problems in a way that’s extensible and re-usable based on design patterns. And we asked them to build these solutions in a scalable, high-performing way, applying continuous integration and testing. And we asked them to document and package the solutions, for free community distribution.

The result is a TIBCO-led, community-engaged way to help our customers solve the “blank sheet of paper” problem that plagues most IT organizations.

Our goal is to change the IT-to-Line-of-Business relationship when it comes to Digital Business transformation. Accelerators help IT say “yes” to more business ideas. As a result, they experiment more—when an idea doesn’t work, it’s killed quickly. If an idea is good, you build upon it. Accelerators help drive this innovation, which drives business innovation.

Depending on the use case, TIBCO Accelerators include event-driven rules in BusinessEvents, IoT streaming analytics with StreamBase, TIBCO LiveView JavaScript user interface, queries, and alert templates, predictive analytics built in R, Spotfire analytics and dashboards, integration with BusinessWorks, and case management with TIBCO AMX BPM.

We call our first Accelerator The Connected Vehicles Accelerator (CVA). Today, cars, trucks, trains, and buses are, essentially, mobile devices. Many businesses must implement the “Uber Model” of understanding location, and applying business rules based on location, in real time.

TIBCO’s Fast Data platform is the leading platform for managing the fast-moving data associated with connected vehicles. Without TIBCO, packages don’t get delivered by the largest parcel companies in the world, planes don’t fly with more than 25 airlines worldwide, and public transportation systems all over the world don’t run on time.

Now mainstream Digital Businesses need this same architecture—the ability to monitor, analyze, and act on connected vehicles. The CVA combines BusinessEvents, TIBCO Live Datamart, Spotfire, and BusinessWorks to provide enterprise-location awareness from vehicles in real time.

Steve Jobs once said, when he was at NeXT Computer, this: “The simplest to maintain, the easiest code to debug, and the most efficient piece of code… is the code you never write.” Jobs knew, back in the 1990s, that the key to making complex technology accessible and innovative was to provide simple, easy-to-understand programming interfaces to that infrastructure, and to simplify the job of building the world’s best applications.

The TIBCO Accelerator project is our effort to simplify the job of building great Digital Business applications, harness the power of re-use, and engage the formidable community of TIBCO developers. We hope all our customers join our community effort to innovate faster with Fast Data, to spur innovation, and to make the world a better place.

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