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2010 BPM and Workflow Handbook, Spotlight on Business Intelligence

2010 BPM and Workflow Handbook; Spotlight on Business Intelligence
Published in collaboration with



This special spotlight illustrates how Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Intelligence (BI) are increasingly intertwined. Linking business intelligence and business process management creates stronger operational business intelligence.

Business Process Intelligence: Beyond the Convergence of BPM and BI
Linus Chow, Manoj Das and Peter Bostrom, Oracle Corp, USA

Knowledge Work and Unpredictable Processes
Keith D. Swenson, Fujitsu America, USA, and Vice Chair, Workflow Management Coalition

Open Source Business Intelligence and Business Process Platform
Patrick Beaucamp, BPM-Conseil/Vanilla, France

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of BPM: Semantic Process Automation
Francesco BATTISTA, Respondo, Italy and Gianpiero BONGALLINO, Italy

Predictive BPM
Dr. Setrag Khoshafian, Pegasystems Inc., USA

Intelligent, Automated Processes: Embedding Analytics in Decisions
James Taylor, Decision Management Solutions, USA

Assigning Work Items More Efficiently Using Business Intelligence Tools
Juan J. Moreno, Marcelo Cordini, Cristian Mastrantono, INTEGRADOC and Universidad Catolica, Uruguay; Martin Palatnik, Universidad Catolica, Uruguay

Staying Ahead of the Curve with Decision-Centric Business Intelligence
Sheila Donohue, CRIF Decision Solutions, Italy

Combining Knowledge, Process and BI to Deliver Agility in a Collaborative Environment
Marinela MIRCEA, Bogdan GHILIC-MICU, Marian STOICA, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

Using BPM to Drive Clinical Intelligence and Process Oversight in the Acute Healthcare Setting
Ray Hess, The Chester County Hospital, USA

Using BPM and Business Intelligence to Improve Healthcare
Jonathan Emanuele and Cynthia Mascara, Siemens, USA


BPM-on-Demand: Fantasy or Fast Track to Agility?
Jon Pyke, WfMC Chair, United Kingdom

A Generic Framework for Business Process Management
Philippe Declercq and Vincent Fauliot, CNAMTS, France

Enterprise Process Automation Providing the Gift of Time
Roy Altman, Peopleserv Inc., USA

Transforming Security through Enterprise Architecture and BPM
Christine Robinson, Christine Robinson and Associates and Daniel Turissini, Operational Research Consultants, USA

Customer Experience Transformation A Framework to Achieve Measurable Results
Vinaykumar S Mummigatti, Virtusa, USA


How to Optimize Capability: Centered Enterprise Integration
Nathaniel Palmer and Jason Adolf, SRA International, Inc., VA, USA

XPDL 2.2: Incorporating BPMN 2.0 Process Modeling Extensions
Robert M. Shapiro, Global 360, USA

Workflow Control-path Intelligence and Its Implications
Haksung Kim, Dongnam Health University and Kwanghoon Kim, Kyonggi Univ., Rep. of Korea

Workflow Design Patterns for Developing and Maintaining e-Business Workflow Systems
Farhi Marir and John Ndeta, Knowledge Management Research Centre, Faculty of Computing, London Metropolitan University, UK

Utilizing Process Definitions for Process Automation: A Comparative Study
Filiz Celik Yesildoruk and Onur Demirors, Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute, Turkey