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What Benefits Can Automic Automation Intelligence Provide to Businesses?

Blog: Solutions Review - Business Process Management

Automic Automation Intelligence Can Provide to Businesses

The editors at Solutions Review have partnered with the experts at Broadcom to provide an overview of the benefits Automic Automation Intelligence can provide to various departments in a company.

As organizations accelerate their automation and digital transformation, workloads become increasingly complex. The volume of workloads is increasing, too, and so are the interdependencies between them and the myriad of applications they interact with. That’s where technology like Automic Automation Intelligence can help. With this analytics platform, organizations can optimize their workload automation (WLA) by providing monitoring, data visualization, predictive analytics, and simulation capabilities for workloads.

To help companies understand the value of Automic Automation Intelligence, Broadcom recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises can experience from deploying Automic Automation Intelligence on top of their workload automation platforms. As pulled from the report, here are some of the most significant benefits Automic Automation Intelligence can provide a company.

The Benefits Automic Automation Intelligence Provides to Businesses

Improved Productivity for Business Users

As part of the Total Economic Impact (TEI) study, Forrester interviewed an organization that implemented the Automic Automation Intelligence on top of its AutoSys Workload Automation solution. Within that organization, workload automation (WLA) generates daily reports for business users, who use that information to make time-sensitive decisions. However, any service-level agreements (SLAs) breach will delay those reports, often causing downtime and disruption.

With the platform’s predictive workload performance analytics, the interviewed organization balanced its workload automation capacity and preemptively alerted the automation support team on potential issues regarding capacity and overrun. As a result, the organization reduced the amount of WLA SLA breaches by nearly seventy percent. Fewer breaches mean less downtime, which enabled the organization to avoid over 70,000 hours of downtime in one year alone. Multiplied across three years, the organization achieved a productivity gain of $1,611,655.

A Boost in Automation Developer Productivity

WLA job streams often interact with several business systems and applications, which means any change in those source applications can disrupt WLA streams currently in production, causing SLA breaches and delays down the line. The organization interviewed for the report said these delays typically require six to eight follow-on releases to resolve. Thanks to the Automation Intelligence test environment—and the testing and simulation capabilities it offers—the organization reduced the time spent on troubleshooting issues and developing follow-on releases. These capabilities improved automation developer productivity and resulted in the organization realizing a yearly gain of over $300,000.

Better Productivity for Production Support Teams

Workloads in production require active monitoring and management, which means production support staff oversee the quality and timeliness of WLA execution and monitor alerts, SLA adherence, reporting, and more. When production support teams have a WLA analytics tool, they can significantly reduce the time and effort involved in actively monitoring and managing their workloads.

For the report, the organization Forrester interviewed said that before implementing Automic Automation Intelligence, its WLA system could raise up to 15,000 alarms the team would have to monitor and address daily. With the solution’s capacity management and predictive monitoring features, the organization could prioritize incoming alarms to focus on critical ones. The improved productivity resulted in a seventy percent reduction in time spent monitoring alerts, which Forrester translates into nearly $230,000 in production gains every year.

Click Here to Download the Complete Total Economic Impact Of Automic Automation Intelligence Report

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