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The Future Of Cloud Computing : Things To Look Out For

Blog: Indium Software - Big Data

Every day, technology is gaining footing and changing our personal and professional lives. The cloud-computing market is also growing at a faster rate. Several stimulating innovations are taking place in the field of cloud computing. They have been warmly received by both new and old business sectors. By 2023, the global cloud computing market is expected to be worth $623.3 billion.

We will learn about the relevance of cloud computing solutions and the trends for the year 2022 in this post.

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Sustainable Cloud

Simply by shifting parts of their infrastructure to the public cloud, companies we work with have seen their energy usage drop by up to 65 percent. This has also lowered their carbon emissions by up to 84 percent. By concentrating your resources on your most important activities, you can drastically minimise your server requirements and, as a result, your energy consumption.

Cloud migration of data to the public cloud can lower carbon dioxide emissions by up to 59 million tons per year, which is the equal to removing 22 million cars from the road. This is a significant cloud trend that will only grow in importance in the coming years.

Increased cross-platform integration flexibility

The industry is going toward hybrid and multi-cloud environments, which allow infrastructure to be deployed across many cloud models. Leading cloud services like AWS and Azure have generally been closed-walled environments, with their platforms serving as a one-stop shop for enterprises’ cloud, data, and compute needs. As a result, these behemoths have been able to upsell cloud capacity as well as new services to their growing customer base. Customers are now requesting that these large cloud providers open their platforms and remove impediments to enable multi-cloud methods.

Cross-platform integration offers a collaborative approach, using which organizations can access and share data with external players in the value chain, that working on various applications and using different data standards. The multi-cloud advanced trend can provide new ventures and opportunities to start-ups to provide novel services that enable seamless cross-platform cooperation across several cloud platforms.

Cloud Gaming

The gaming business is expected to be one of the fastest-growing cloud industries in 2022. Leading worldwide firms such as Amazon and Tencent are providing game makers with dedicated cloud computing capabilities. Furthermore, gaming is following in the footsteps of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video by providing large game libraries to gamers via the cloud, which can be played for a fee.

Nvidia, Google, and Microsoft all introduced cloud gaming services in 2020, competing with Sony’s PSN network. Despite the recent debuts of the PS5 and Xbox, experts predict that the necessity to spend large sums of money on specialist gaming hardware will soon become obsolete. The gaming entertainment sector will be led by cloud gaming.

Faster & efficient Cloud computing with AI

In 2021, cloud computing with artificial intelligence (AI) will be the most significant cloud computing trend. Everyone now has access to AI, thanks to cloud computing. Today, SaaS and PaaS vendors have made AI accessible to businesses of all sizes and sectors, regardless of budget or skill level. Industry applications for AI capabilities available via cloud-based infrastructure include self-driving cars, 5G, cancer research, smart city infrastructure, and crisis response planning.

Furthermore, AI will play an increasingly larger role in the operation and maintenance of cloud data centres. This is because AI optimises various important infrastructure components, such as hardware networks, cooling systems, and power consumption, through monitoring and control. As research in this subject accelerates and yields important advancements, we may now expect cloud services to be faster and more efficient.


More companies will design cloud-native applications in the future, with little to no architectural reliance on a single cloud provider. Organizations will learn to grow with more clarity than before by cultivating a deeper grasp of their cloud demands and the cloud industry. This paradigm change, however, is contingent on the expansion of cloud capabilities, as time-to-market is rapidly improving and the ability to incorporate shifting workloads allows enterprises to capitalise on even minor trends.

Customizing cloud solutions to your specific operations is a continuous process that demands regular oversight and commitment to generate savings. While this method alone will not address your application portability problem, multi-cloud strategies that focus on risk reduction, functionality, and feature acquisition will enhance your cyber posture dramatically.

The multi-cloud approach may scale further and quicker as a result of the public cloud’s creative and adaptable services. This will happen without sacrificing the higher cost efficiency, faster response time, and regulatory compliance that come with the private cloud’s advantages.

Cloud Automation

Many businesses are turning to automation to ease the management of their public, private, and hybrid cloud systems because of the governance difficulties that come with a multi-cloud approach. Terraform and other cloud agnostic tools give enterprises a unique possibility to design identical infrastructure across platforms in a secure manner.

Dashboards, for example, can be accommodated by such technologies in the future, since engineers would benefit from being able to view all of their disparate cloud services in one window. A provision like this would also provide greater opportunities for machine learning. Organizations are searching for analytics to assist them compare the performance of their clouds, especially in a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud context. Your firm will be more vulnerable to a dangerous landscape if you operate without a clear grasp of its efficiency. Machine learning capabilities can help your company generate more contingent data, allowing you to be more prepared for current and future dangers.


The introduction of shipping containers in the 1950s transformed the global economy. Finally, a consistent method for packaging loose items and transporting them from one site to another was developed. Containerization is all the rage again after 70 years, except this time it’s on the cloud.

Containerization is the process of encapsulating a programme and all of its dependencies in a small, standardised collection of libraries and APIs. It’s a standardised approach to store and ship all components, guaranteeing that a programme operates swiftly and consistently across a variety of platforms. A single server may host several apps because each container is only tens of megabytes in size, saving money on hardware and maintenance.

Many cloud providers offer container applications as part of their consumable services, and DevOps can deploy them directly on top of the cloud application layer. This technique dramatically improves security, scalability, and load times because each programme is wrapped separately in a consistent configuration.

Data fabric

The desegregation of information technology is one of the primary consequences of cloud adoption, as security, optimization, and interpretation services all demand interoperability. This decontextualizes the term ‘data fabrics’ from its analytical underpinnings and repositions it as a crucial cloud industry prospect. A data fabric, simply described, is a string that connects disparate locations, types, and sources of data while also acting as an access point.

By 2022, 90 percent of firms will consider information to be a significant organisational asset, establishing analytics as a core capability. APIs are used in data fabrics to break down silos and enable enterprises with integrated data access, management, and security across cloud providers. These centralised data management frameworks help enterprises break free from vendor lock-in and gain a single view of their operations by using their scattered services

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Getting the most out of your cloud services necessitates a commitment to change and agility. These many tendencies are endemic to the cloud, and they will continue to evolve at a faster rate as cloud usage grows and the cloud is calibrated to give sharper insights. By harnessing the skills and knowledge of the industry, tracking and analysing these patterns will help your company open doors. As the world embraces cloud services, these gateways will become increasingly important for long-term growth in 2021 and beyond.

Organizations are realigning their digital strategy as the epidemic reshuffles the world and enterprises. Companies who have previously been resistive to new technology have begun to accelerate their adoption of cloud services. Organizations will invest in cloud services in 2022 in order to boost worker productivity, facilitate innovation, and become future-ready.

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