process modeling enterprise architecture ea blog posts

The future for enterprise architects

Blog: Achieving Business Outcome With Enterprise Architecture

The rise of the experience economy have brought with it accelerating developments in organizational patterns, business models, software, hardware and algorithms. Taken together it points the way to something new about how the enterprise architecture profession needs changing. The skills of the new ways of working vary, but they are all examples of how the momentum in enterprise architecture must shift away from “theoretical modeling”, “information hoarding” and “static planning”, toward things that truly live in the real world of modern business. In business it all starts with things that we observe, thats future uncertainties, and things that we orient our selves on, thats unfolding factors and things we decide on, thats current situation. The responses we make to these insights are how we act in the real world.


The illustration is the OODA graphic from Boyd’s 1995 lecture “The Essence of Winning and Losing,” as reproduced and explained by his associate, Dr. Chet Richards, in his book Certain to Win.

The emerging situation requires new ways and the use of new toolsets adapted to the world at hand. One immediate response to the emerging situation is to start continously exploring large sets of cross domain data in solving the complex whole system problems that business execute in. That kind of work requires involvement of people from all areas of business like demographics, politics, markets, environment, sales, marketing, research, finance, legal, management and computer science, and the use of advanced technology. IBM has with its Watson for analytics released services that can be used to analyze cross domain data in a rather intuitive way. Others, like SAP with LumiraSAS with Visual Analytics and Microsoft with Power Bi are all great tools. If you want to dive deeper and get your hands all the way into the source then R and the various tools around that is awesome.

William Gibson said that the future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed. In the field of enterprise architecture that rings true.