process modeling process analysis blog posts

The 3 top Process Mining trends in 2023 you need to know

Blog: Aris BPM Blog

In this post, I will share with you the top three trends in process mining that we expect to see in 2023.


1. Process Mining will become key to staying competitive.

With ARIS, the first commercial process mining tool back in 2000, we have been in the process mining market for more than 20 years. While the technology and organizational implementation are not new to us, it is still new to many companies -- and so it may be to you. If it is, it's time to jump on the mining train, because it's becoming a mandatory technology to stay competitive no matter the industry you are in and the company size you have -- just as an ERP system is a must-have to do business, so will process mining be.

This requires a flexible tool that can adapt to the needs and growth of companies of all sizes. And you need to have the technical and staffing support to allow internal teams to learn how to implement this technology and get the most out of it. For this reason, we have developed ARIS Process Mining not only for large companies with their own Process Mining Center of Excellence, but also for smaller companies or departments where process mining is entirely in the hands of business departments.

You will benefit from a great user experience that allows you to easily get started and quickly increase the maturity level in your process mining practice. With our three editions, we also offer the right commercial model for your ambitions: from the free option to learn without pressure, to the one suitable for large process mining initiatives and large enterprises.

Get to know our editions: ARIS Editions - ARIS Process Mining (

For an easy and smooth start, ARIS Process Mining has numerous accelerators that target the most important process domains in your organization. They enable rapid implementation of processes that guarantee initial results in a matter of weeks - sometimes days. In addition, our consulting service has decades of experience, having been active in the process mining market for more than 20 years.

Learn about our accelerators for a quick process mining implementation: Solutions overview - ARIS Process Mining (


2. Process Mining is key, but not enough

In recent years, the market has seen several acquisitions of process mining vendors by often larger software companies (ERP as well as RPA and automation software vendors). At the same time, more and more companies are rethinking their business process management practices by merging isolated process mining units, sometimes using competing tools to ARIS, into an overarching business transformation division.

If you recognize yourself in this situation, heed one important piece of advice: Process mining initiatives, like automation initiatives, will fail if they don't lead to a change in the way people work and an established process mentality. You are particularly exposed to this risk if you rely on a vendor that focuses solely on IT-based automation. The same is true if you put your process mining ambitions in the hands of ERP vendors that focus on their own single applications. To scale and achieve lasting transformational success, process mining and the process improvement lifecycle must be an integrated, cross-application, cross-process activity that is deeply embedded in your organization's DNA. To do this, you need a tool that is independent of hidden agendas and that enables you to capture the entire process improvement lifecycle.

ARIS Process Mining, a component of the ARIS Business Transformation Suite, offers you a source application-independent tool for the entire process lifecycle: from mining to the implementation and rollout of process changes. You benefit from having all the ingredients in one tool that ensures lasting, end-to-end transformation success in your organization, covering both the IT application and the human side involved in any transformation.

Click on the link to know more: Understand your processes like never before - ARIS Process Mining (


3. New use cases will emerge exploiting the full potential of the connected world

Process mining based on business processes with digital traces from business applications such as ERP or specialized systems like ticketing systems, HR systems, CRM, etc. was the first wave of using process mining technology to uncover value.

With the increasing emergence of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the connected world, the scope will expand to include processes that affect the design (prototyping), production, deployment, use, field service and end-of-life of devices and their corresponding machines in the manufacturing chain. Process mining will move deeper into workflows and manufacturing areas and into the realm of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). We are seeing early customers with use cases that extend the idea of process mining into the space of MES, connecting a whole new dimension of process improvement at a level closer to execution and shop-floor scenarios than previously seen.

That's why we're partnering with Critical Manufacturing, the leader in Gartner's 2022 magic quadrant for MES systems, as well as integrate Software AG's Cumulocity IoT device integration platform to get data from connected devices within a production line.

By leveraging Software AG's market-leading data integration stack and our years of experience with data integration projects, we can provide you with best-in-class data connectivity that goes far beyond typical business application connectivity: not only do you benefit from complete visibility into all standard data sources thanks to more than 450 out-of-the-box connectors and comprehensive data lake connectivity, but we also enable you to access your unique and critical homegrown, legacy and mainframe applications.

In industries such as banking and insurance, we see tremendous potential for applying process mining to mainframe applications to provide complete process visibility like never before. If you run your business on mainframe systems, talk to us, our experts can help you gain unprecedented insights.

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