Southbeach Notation: It’s Semantics and Case Study
Blog: BPTrends - Articles
This article, describes Southbeach Notation which is rooted in the principles of Triz. The article, written by Howard Smith, a frequent contributor to BPTrends, explains why Southbeach was developed and outlines the design goals for its specification and subsequent software implementation. A case study is included which illustrates how the use of Southbeach, in conjunction with Triz methods, allowed a Fortune 500 company to win a major new contract
Author information

Howard Smith
Howard Smith is CTO (Europe) for CSC and a Research Associate with the Leading Edge Forum (LEF). Howard has recently developed CSC's methodology for Services Innovation, based on Services Blueprinting and the Southbeach Notation.
A sought after speaker, advisor and problem solver, Howard’s expertise spans early stage technology search, software engineering, systems integration, business process, services innovation, ideation and futures scanning. He is the author of two books: Business Process Management: The Third Wave and IT Doesn’t Matter - Business Processes Do.
Contact Howard via LinkedIn at