blog posts

Not Hanging in the Louvre Just Yet, But Close

Blog: Jim Sinur

I am thrilled to say that a piece I did earlier this year was shown at the Lourve this month. Though I have pieces in private collections in Paris, Munich and England, this is a thrill beyond what I envisioned when I started my art journey in late 2008. Here is the piece that made the cut :)  Below is the official letter of recognition.

                                                              Apple of My Eye

 Other honors include:

  • 2010 Glendale Jazz Festival
  • 2011 Artist's Magazine (Award)
  • 2012 Art Takes Time Square (Award)
  • 2012 Defenders of the Children Auction
  • 2013 The Story of the Creative Exhibition in New York (Awards)
  • 2013 Art Takes Paris (Featured Artist on Facebook)
  • 2013 Art Takes Miami (Featured Artist in SeeMe Art Booth)
  • 2014 Faith Youth Auction
  • 2014 SeeMe Art Takes Times Square (13 Selections)


Below you will find your official letter of recognition for participation in the Exposure Award and the digital display at the Louvre.

It's an honor to have your work included in this year's event and in the books to come. Net proceeds from the sales of the books will benefit our charity partner, Pencils of Promise, working to build schools in developing nations. 

SeeMe Exhibitions 

Dear James Sinur,

It's been an honor to show your photography as part the Fifth Annual Exposure Award. The work of this year’s project has been extraordinary, viewed by over five million photo enthusiasts from around the world. Additionally, your photograph was included in a digital display of images presented at the Exposure Award Reception at the Louvre.

Your photography was included in the Ultra-Color Collection
and was presented at a private reception at hosted at:

Musee du Louvre
75058 Paris - France
July 13th, 2015
Photography holds power. The act of taking a photo acts as a historical marker and a capture of time. Just as archaeologists offer hypotheses about ancient societies based on cave paintings, historians of the future will base their conjectures about us on the photography that is happening at this very moment, including yours.

As technology makes our world more interconnected, the act of creation has become a universal language and a vital conversation. Your photography, represented at the Fifth Annual Exposure Award reception is a thrilling contribution to that dialogue.

It's been an honor to have your work included. Thank you for sharing your photography with us and with the world.

William Etundi Jr. Signature
William Etundi Jr.
Founder of SeeMe