LEARNING BPMN 2.0 A Practical Guide for Today’s Adult Learners: An Introduction of Engineering Practices for Software Delivery Teams
Do you ever think of how you learn—by reading, watching, listening, and doing?
Maybe you use all four?
Many of us go through life unaware of how we learn or acquire a skill set; we just learn it.
We all have the capability to learn. From that perspective and with a passion for business process modeling with Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN), we set out to write a book that will provide an understanding of BPMN while engaging in the adult learning process for acquiring knowledge.
This book will bridge the gap between theory and practice and make it interesting while you are doing it!
While we focus on learning BPMN, we also teach foundational concepts, a balance between academia and real-world examples related to creating knowledge, moving up the spiral of knowledge. With each spiral, more insight is gained, and better understanding is attained.
With the second edition, we provide a perspective to help you use BPMN to relay technical designs from engineers to stakeholders and vice-versa.
We also discuss how BPMN helps document and convey architectural decisions to future versions of your team so they can quickly identify solutions without having to reverse engineer code every time.
Reviewing a diagram is much easier than rebuilding an architecture from legacy source code!
So grab your copy, and start learning the right way, today!