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Kogito 1.31.1 released!

Blog: Drools & jBPM Blog

We are glad to announce that the Kogito 1.31.1 release is now available! This goes hand in hand with Kogito Tooling 0.25.0, Kogito Images, Operator, and CLI 1.31.1 release.

From a feature point of view, we have included a series of new features and bug fixes, including:

  • Quarkus 2.15 integration
  • Upgraded Drools to version 8.31.1 to align with newly release drools-drl-quarkus-extension Quarkus extension, for more information, visit the following blog post.

For more details head to the complete release notes.

All artifacts are available now:

  • Kogito runtime artifacts are available on Maven Central.
  • Kogito examples can be found here.
  • Kogito images are available on Quay.io.
  • Kogito operator is available in the OperatorHub in OpenShift and Kubernetes.
  • Kogito tooling 0.25.0 artifacts are available at the Visual Studio Marketplace.

A detailed changelog for 1.31.1 can be found in Atlassian Jira.

New to Kogito? Check out our website https://kogito.kie.org. Click the "Get Started" button.

The post Kogito 1.31.1 released! appeared first on KIE Community.