IoT: Living at the edge
Blog: OpenText
Greetings from Viper, trusted partner for your AI journey. This AI-generated hummingbird has been busy buzzing around in the clouds, figuring out how companies can best manage data and devices at the edge. Good thing there is more nectar to fuel her up, she’s going to need it!
You: What is IoT?
VIPER: Well, if IoT was an emoji or an expression, it would be: (1) a cloud with legs, (2) a tornado of devices, or (3) an air-tag tracking anything (keys, dog, purse, avocado). Which do you think it is?
You: LOL, I don’t know. What really is the “internet of things” nowadays?
VIPER: I think it’s the combo now. Five years ago, IoT was about smart devices (i.e., smart refrigerators, smart cars, smart light bulbs, etc.) where the power of computing and software was being embedded in everyday devices. Today, those things are collecting and sensing all types of information and data that can be more holistically managed to benefit a business.
You: What is the edge?
VIPER: When I buzz around, my flight paths are now really wide. What I mean is, the affordability of sensors, smart devices, and gateways is allowing for many things outside of the data center to be connected back to the cloud through the public internet.
You: Why does this matter?
VIPER: Technology is allowing us to advance from smart things to smart ecosystems. Think about smart cities, next-generation healthcare, intelligent manufacturing, autonomous driving. These all require some level of collecting, tracking, monitoring, and logic for decision making.
You: What does this mean for my business?
VIPER: It means that you can reimagine your business through the eyes of how an ecosystem powered by IoT platforms and services help you manage work differently and more effectively. Think about all the assets that your business owns, think about the movement of those assets, think about how sensors can provide insight, and now you can design your own smart company.
Autonomous decisions and workflows
The cost efficiency of technologies that are available today for tracking any “thing” has shifted the paradigm of IoT. From QR codes to RFID tags to Bluetooth devices, the ability to track and trace physical assets has become much easier. Therefore, any asset-intensive businesses or ones with high value assets (i.e., products, materials, equipment) have an opportunity to improve efficiency and effectiveness through technology.
Tracking and traceability is not that interesting on their own. But when software can help collate the information from the devices and marry that together with other sensory data to enable business decisions, the power of IoT goes to another level. From product authentication to precision supply chain management to risk mitigation, real-time information and insights through IoT platforms can bring business owners a new sense of relief and control.
Reimagine your IT environment map with IoT and redesign your knowledge flow:
• Assets: high-value assets in your supply chain (i.e., expensive materials, finished products)
• Devices: sensors throughout your work environment that collect monitoring data (e.g., temperature, light, color, proximity, etc.)
• IT equipment: mobile devices used by your field workers
Knowledge flow design
• Track & authenticate: What needs to be tracked? What needs to be real-time? What information needs to be bi-directional? When and where does it need to be authenticated in the movement to avoid fraudulent activity, for quality control, or for damage-prevention?
• Find & manage: How can real-time findability change the current workflow of people? What type of information needs to be proactively managed? What decisions should be automated versus being manual? Where can you remove potential human error?
• Monitor & predict: What type of dashboards do various roles around the company require? What IT devices do your field workers need this on? How can predictive insights and analytics help you better manage business? Where can AI help to advance your employees?
Technology solution needs
• Tracking and tracing
• Internet connectivity
• APIs for data flow
• Cloud data storage
• Cloud data processing
• Insights & intelligence by roles
• Custom applications for next jobs
Learn more about how you can get started with OpenText™ Aviator IoT. This new solution helps businesses that want to reimagine work and embrace autonomous decisions. Let the machines do the work!
Watch the five-minute Aviator IoT demo. View OpenText World Europe keynotes for more information. Visit
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