Blog Posts Process Management

Great Canary Telescope Case Study

Blog: AuraQuantic Blog


The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GranTeCan or GTC), also known as the Great Canary Telescope is a 10.4 m reflecting telescope located at one of the best places of the northern hemisphere: the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, Spain. This telescope is a Spanish initiative, lead by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC) with the strong support of Central Government and the Autonomous Community of the Canaries, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), support from the European Community, and the participation of Mexico, through the IA-UNAM (Institute of Astronomy National Autonomous University of Mexico) and INAOE (National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics), and the University of Florida, USA.

The difficulties of the project, once started, were the extremely high level of maintenance, high mobility of staff between the three locations, and the need for lots of purchases and acquisitions. This was all carried out using a lot of paperwork and very little staff.

gran telescopio canarias auraportal

The two main objectives were very clear: to increase staff productivity and to put an end to all the paperwork. With AuraPortal iBPMS everything is recorded and integrated in the system therefore the use of paper was successfully eliminated in all the implemented processes. Furthermore, staff productivity has substantially improved. In addition to the main objectives other benefits were experienced, such as access to new information and a reduction in the errors made in company activities.

Ramón Ascanio, Administration Manager at GranTeCan, commented:

AuraPortal software is very flexible and we have not encountered anything that we cannot do. Furthermore, we achieve everything very quickly.

Thanks to the BPM, GranTeCan has successfully automated their processes, eliminated paperwork and optimized staff performance. The flexibility of AuraPortal has proven ideal to adapt to the changing needs of the company and the benefits of error reduction and access to process information have been significant.

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