business management blog posts

Form Follows Function on SPaMCast 471

Blog: Form Follows Function


It’s time for another appearance on Tom Cagley’s Software Process and Measurement (SPaMCast) podcast.

Last week’s episode, number 471, features Tom’s essay on the top 20 transformation killers. Jeremy Berriault‘s QA corner is about involving testers in the requirements process. My Form Follows Function segment rounds out the podcast, covering my post “Systems Thinking Complicates Things”.

In this installment, Tom and I talk about how simplistic analysis is unlikely to fit a complex problem. We illustrate this by talking about the game of “rock, paper, scissors” (then graduate to “rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock”!). I don’t really think that’s what’s meant by game theory, but hey, it’s fun (and illustrative) nonetheless.

You can find all the SPaMCast episodes I’m in under the SPaMCast Appearances category on this blog. Enjoy!