enterprise architecture ea blog posts

Enterprise Architecture in posts going back a decade (viii)

The Enterprise Architecture Black Hole
"Enterprise Architecture as a Black Hole" (to paraphrase a known title of an EA book) seems to be a proper name for many EA contemporary developments. To ...
A Single Page Enterprise Architecture
A Single Page EA blueprint would like a road map depicting the key connections and objects of the EA. Ideally, we should be able to zoom and navigate ...
An Enterprise Architecture wish list (ii)
Continuation of last post. I would like to restate that this is just a basic wish list to which many architectural views can be added. The EA wish list ...
An Enterprise Architecture wish list
What would you like to have when delivering an Enterprise Architecture (EA)? Surely, we'd like to know what that is. To avoid this perennial discussion here, ...
The Cloud Enterprise
The Enterprise gradually becomes a Cloud Enterprise with business functions and their IT resources provided in a cloud. Your concern remain the Enterprise ...
Cloud computing, SOA and Enterprise Architecture
Imagine, the EA Business Architecture layer resting on top of a fluffy Cloud of distributed, outsourced IT Application and Technology layers. The cloud symbol, ...
SOA: dead or alive?
Enterprise SOA failed for lack of business support, drivers and proper preparation given the project size and implications. The technology associated with SOA ...
The state of EA 2009
I believe that a "standard" metamodel would help jump start the EA evolution again. A metamodel would describe the key artefacts, their entities and ...
The Organization Culture and Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture must be supported by the organization culture. People are the company; they can make or break the EA. To succeed one has to subtly sniff ...
What drives your business today?
What are the main drivers for your business today? Of course the business has to return value to all its stakeholders: owners, employees, community... But are ...
Measure the Value of EA
The Enterprise Architecture delivers value, as soon as it is designed and implemented. In fact, it does that, gradually, while it is implemented by increasing ...
EA training and certification, does it help?
EA certification attempts to fill the gap to an experienced IT professional but usually it doesn't provide a clear EA framework to guide the development and ...
EA consultants, what are they?
The EA consultant is often compared to a body in a body shopping process, i.e. engaged in whatever work the customer desires, over a while. The body may have ...
What an Enterprise Architect does!
As the EA becomes the knowledge DB of the Enterprise, the content has to be organized early in an EA taxonomy and exposed on the Intranet.
How to select an Enterprise Architect (iii)
Finally, you've got yourself an Enterprise Architect. But will you get an Enterprise Architecture? Probably not. This is a problem: all companies have ...
How to select an Enterprise Architect? (ii)
An Enterprise Architect would apply method and frameworks to your EA rather than attempting to substitute the business people and their expertise.
How to select an Enterprise Architect?
It is not too hard to tick the methodology boxes for an Enterprise Architecture job: Zachman, TOGAF, FEA and other (IAF, EAP, E2AF...). But unfortunately this ...
The Enterprise Business Architecture and Architect's role
The architecture discipline does not exist in the business domain that at most deals with practical issues rather than organization design, value chains ...
Do Enterprise Architects do Business Architecture?
The problem with Enterprise Architects is that they do not cover business architecture since it is not part of their curriculum. Similarly, business people and ...
Enterprise Architect's role
The Enterprise Architect job