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Composable platform for TELCO

Blog: End to End BPM

Industry outlook

Communications service providers are pinning their hopes for future revenue growth not on their existing connectivity businesses, but on new B2B services that they hope to develop on top of connectivity by leveraging 5G, IoT, edge computing and AI. Despite the market outlook forecasts global double-digit growth beyond 5G connectivity business, the data does not suggest that the telecom industry is on the verge of a B2B revenue explosion[1].

There was hope that platform business models pushed by communication service providers could start demonstrating growth in the market, via ecosystem effect. The reality is existing offers range from basic connectivity, private networks, infrastructure services, IoT platform accelerators and a combination of managed services. The desire to finally monetize the 5G opportunity still demonstrates potential but realizing the business case and progress on technological advancement and new business models remains challenging.

Communication solution providers should focus on building composable cloud platforms that provide horizontal industry-agnostic solutions, based on RAN, 5G-core, vertical solutions targeting priority segments – such as such as industry 4.0, smart cities and cross-industry solutions that consider value sharing and open innovation-enabled by next frontier of network programmability to create unique value propositions.

The United Nations sustainable development goals[2] defined a series of bold ambitions, among those related to connectivity. By 2030, major stakeholders agree that network technology will support a sustainable world, going beyond strategies related to networks harvesting energy from green sources and decreased energy consumption. Primarily, the communications industry will increase its contributions to society, enabling efficient resource use and new ways of living. It also includes going beyond efforts to fight climate change, such as people inclusion that is enabled by connectivity providing access to different forms of digital services such as: banking, education, healthcare, governmental services, remote work, or smart agriculture. The goal is to provide communities on a global scale, with high-grade wireless services for digital inclusion.

Monetize the platform business model

5G is transforming the traditional, layered protocol-based communication industry through cloud network servitization.

Industry horizontal solutions based on RAN, 5G-core, and security enable fast growth and innovation by allowing CSP’s to focus on their core business through a common technical foundation and universal connectivity offerings such as network-as-a-service, cybersecurity-as-a-service, and infrastructure-as-a-service. This layer also includes core cloud platform services enablement such as computing, data & AI, API, IoT / Edge and TELCO-specific functions OSS / BSS.

Industry vertical solutions target dedicated IT functions for specific business needs and operations, such as real-time quality control in an automotive assembly line or a connected ambulance with cognitive vision for patient monitoring.

As supply chains become more distributed and advanced, an integrated approach forms multisided platforms. Cloud native design, open source, and standards drive openness in networks and operations architectures. This enables cross-industry solutions that consider value sharing and open innovation-enabled co-creation and co-capture. The main goal is to provide revenue streams for all involved: service providers, enterprises, government organizations, and consumers. Organizations must consider the lifecycle stage of complementors, customers, and partners in the ecosystem, including the open-sourced effort of a community of developers, a critical element for platform programmability in the communications industry.

“VulcanForms[3]can produce tens of thousands of parts for various industries within hours, from tens of thousands of parts for a jet engine, then switch to doing medical implants. The knowledge of how to make the part lives in the software, allowing large industrial customers to focus on their core R&D, sales, and marketing, and outsource production to individual factories located anywhere.”

Source: Greg Reichow, a partner at Eclipse Ventures[4]

5G is transforming the traditional, layered protocol-based communication industry through cloud network servitization.

Industry horizontal solutions based on RAN, 5G-core, and security enable fast growth and innovation by allowing CSP’s to focus on their core business through a common technical foundation and universal connectivity offerings such as network-as-a-service, cybersecurity-as-a-service, and infrastructure-as-a-service. This layer also includes core cloud platform services enablement such as computing, data & AI, API, IoT / Edge and TELCO-specific functions OSS / BSS.

Industry vertical solutions target dedicated IT functions for specific business needs and operations, such as real-time quality control in an automotive assembly line or a connected ambulance with cognitive vision for patient monitoring.

As supply chains become more distributed and advanced, an integrated approach forms multisided platforms. Cloud native design, open source, and standards drive openness in networks and operations architectures. This enables cross-industry solutions that consider value sharing and open innovation-enabled co-creation and co-capture. The main goal is to provide revenue streams for all involved: service providers, enterprises, government organizations, and consumers. Organizations must consider the lifecycle stage of complementors, customers, and partners in the ecosystem, including the open-sourced effort of a community of developers, a critical element for platform programmability in the communications industry.

Composable Telco platform

In the digital era, platform components can be constructed like “Lego bricks” using a composition approach. This allows for a loosely coupled approach where numerous services can be combined – taking into consideration their use cases that need to be implemented – and matched without impacting others. Like in the ‘Lego brick’ world, platform services and functions need to be repeatable, automatic, and simple to follow a plug-and-play orchestration approach. This allows for different service designs and value propositions to cater to distinct customer requirements.

The constituent capabilities of a composable platform for TELCO industry that support a new flexible network design, full A.I. integration, network programmability, and functions & solutions composability are as follows:

A composable TELCO platform offers the possibility of mass tailoring of connectivity services, intelligence & multiple industry solutions. The composability element allows numerous platform components can be combined – taking into consideration their use cases that need to be implemented – and matched without impacting others. Allows the creation of new business models served by operators and network equipment providers. It will gradually reduce the 5G monetization challenge.


[1] The telco growth imperative, TM Forum 2023.

[2] THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (


[4] Eclipse: Industrial Evolution

[5] Camara Project – Linux Foundation Project

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