BPI Project Plan: Summary of Deliverable Worksteps
Blog: Biz-Performance, David Brown
BPI Project Plan: Summary of Deliverable Worksteps
Phase 1 Awaken
DEL1_010 Case for Change
1) Meet with CEO and other senior executives to discuss business issues.
2) Review company's competitive position and key business problems.
3) Obtain agreement on who needs to be involved in the process.
4) Design a workshop to facilitate the development of a case for change.
5) Pre-interview a representative sample (at least) of the leadership team.
6) Conduct the workshop.
7) Debrief the leadership team.
8) Formalize the Case for Change and communicate it throughout the organization.
Phase 2 Envision
DEL2_010 Mobilization Plan
1) Review/validate the content of preceding proposals and/or discussions with the client.
2) Discuss approaches/strategies for employee involvement in the change process.
3) Facilitate consensus with the leadership team regarding stakeholders' participation.
4) Create a draft project plan.
5) Review plan with External Consultant team members to ensure feasibility and obtain commitment.
6) Review plan, revise if required, and obtain sign-off to proceed.
DEL2_020 Internal Organizational Overview
1) Identify and review operational information about the client organization.
2) Conduct a project inventory of initiatives recently completed or currently underway.
3) Collect and review additional information (e.g. walk-throughs, interviews, surveys)
4) Complete analysis, and develop report containing observations/results.
DEL2_030 Business Position
1) Collect and review documentation.
2) Analyze key performance information.
3) Assess positioning in marketplace.
4) Share/confirm major findings with client.
DEL2_040 Holistic Business Model
1) Complete the Entity Level Business Model.
2) Determine secondary business modeling requirements.
3) Select and develop secondary business model, if required.
4) Develop the Value Chain for the organization.
5) Validate the Holistic Business Model(s) with senior management.
DEL2_050 Readiness for Change Assessment
1) Conduct structured interviews to explore likely commitment and resistance levels.
2) Identify all key change initiatives conducted in the last two to five years.
3) Conduct focus groups or interviews to explore results of past change initiatives.
4) Analyze results and develop report.
DEL2_060 Sponsorship Role Map
1) Review organization chart to ensure that the project sponsor has legitimate authority.
2) Identify of all key internal and external skateholders, and clarify their roles.
3) Discuss/ resolve any problems with commitment levels, empowerment and priorities.
4) Coach leadership team on how they can work together to support the sponsor.
5) Facilitate role plays on potential role conflict between sponsors and change agents.
6) Present the Sponsorship Role Map to the wider senior management team.
7) Develop an initial strategy for creating "buy-in" to the BPI initiative
DEL2_070 (Confirmed) Business Vision
1) Design management interview guide.
2) Review and outline competitive environment and business issues.
3) Design a targeted set of questions to identify.
4) Interview executives to gain shared understanding of the business strategy and vision.
5) Synthesize results and develop content for workshop for confirming the visions.
6) Conduct a workshop with senior management to confirm its Business Vision.
7) Conduct a final presentation/workshop to achieve full awareness and "buy-in".
Phase 3 Focus
DEL3_010 Communication Plan
1) Establish a communication team composed of client and consultant team members.
2) Undertake a stakeholder analysis
3) Develop a draft Communication Plan
4) Review draft Communication Plan with sponsor(s) and confirm accountability.
5) Initiate Communication Plan with appropriate supporting communication vehicles.
6) Provide sponsors/change agents with feedback on the implementation of the Plan.
DEL3_020 Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
1) Review the (Confirmed) Business Vision and Holistic Business Model for CSFs.
2) Conduct interviews with senior managers to determine the Critical Success Factors.
3) Conduct a workshop with senior management to obtain consensus and buy-in.
4) Validate the finalized CSFs with selected external or internal customers.
DEL3_030 Key Performance Indicators
1) Conduct interviews with senior managers to establish performance indicators.
DEL3_040 Stretch Targets
1) Conduct a workshop to establish Stretch Targets and time frames for each indicator.
2) Validate and build consensus for the targets
DEL3_050 Shared Values and Guiding Principles
1) Review and identify key themes.
2) Interview leadership team to explore views on values and principles for future business.
3) Conduct focus groups with groups to validate expectations in stated values
4) Develop and present a report on Shared Values and Guiding Principles.
5) Conduct two-way feedback sessions with focus group participants on the report.
DEL3_060 Focus Areas
1) Develop an approach/to analyze the contribution of each process to BPI objectives.
2) Make a preliminary assessment of the contribution or each high level process.
3) Consider other "process attributes" or risk factors that might influence the selection.
4) Select the "highest-payback" processes for redesign.
5) Determine the schedule to assess and redesign the high-payback Focus Areas.
DEL3_070 Requirements of Process Customers
1) Determine the best approach to evaluation and analysis.
2) Determine customer groupings
3) Schedule and conduct interviews and/or focus groups.
4) Synthesize results.
5) Review results with senior management.
DEL3_080 "As-Is" Process Assessment
1) Determine the type of process model required.
2) Develop "As-Is" process models
3) Measure the current performance levels of processes
4) Gather relevant external benchmark data to determine the size of performance gaps.
5) Analyze findings from assessments to identify Priority Opportunities and Quick Wins.
6) Review with the appropriate client authorities for validity/accuracy.
DEL3_090 "As-Is" Technology Assessment
1) Assess current information systems support in the organization.
2) Develop current network, application, and data architecture models.
3) Identify potential IT issues to be considered during the redesign effort.
4) Coordinate efforts to assess current I/T performance.
5) Review with appropriate client personnel for accuracy
DEL3_100 "As-Is" Human Resource Assessment
1) Review the conclusions of the Requirements of Process Customers deliverable.
2) Coordinate activities/findings with those undertaking the As-Is Process deliverables.
3) Meet with internal Human Resource specialists to identify all possible sources of data. 4) Gather internal information from the client using focus groups, interviews, etc.
5) Gather external data on HR performance measures from external sources.
6) Analyze gaps between the current and desired level of performance.
7) Summarize conclusions; review with appropriate personnel for accuracy.
DEL3_110 Quick Wins
1) Compile all Quick Win suggestions gathered from previous project activities.
2) Conduct an assessment of the benefits, costs and implications of each Quick Win.
3) Present proposed Quick Wins to management for their feedback.
4) Develop detailed implementation plan for each approved Quick Win.
5) Prepare a communications strategy for each approved Quick Win.
6) Monitor the progress of the Quick Win implementation.
DEL3_120 Priority Opportunities
1) Review results from previous assessment activities and identify potential opportunities
2) Document results and communicate to appropriate audiences
DEL3_130 Design Charters
1) Confirm the scope and success targets for the defined area of work.
2) Establish major (high-level) activities that must take place within the given time frame.
3) Designate key team members and define objectives, approach, etc.
4) Review output of Step 3.0 with sponsor(s) and obtain sign-off agreement.
Phase 4 Design High Level
DEL4_010 Best Practice Comparisons
1) Identify and select activities for which Best Practice Comparisons are to be obtained.
2) Specify the scope and a measurement method for identified activities.
3) Plan data collection activities and responsibilities.
4) Collect appropriate external data.
DEL4_020 "To-Be" Process Model
1) Identify change ideas and organize them into a useful format.
2) Create the new process.
3) Document the new design.
4) Identify the impacts of the "To-Be" Technology Architecture and HR Model .
DEL4_030 "To-Be" Technology Architecture
1) Identify potential uses of new technologies.
2) Identify technology requirements, and develop architecture schematics.
3) Document implications of the architecture on the redesigned processes.
4) Present the "To-Be" Technology Architecture to senior management for approval.
DEL4_040 "To-Be" Human Resource Model
1) Co-ordinate with the "To-Be" Process Model and "To-Be" Technology Architecture .
2) Establish a specialist work composed of line managers, HR experts and consultants.
3) Identify the HR Management implications of the (Confirmed) Business Vision.
4) Review (or conduct) and assess Best Practice Comparisons of leading organizations.
5) Articulate a "vision" for HR Management and identify a range of creative solutions.
6) Identify an "ideal" Human Resource Management model.
7) Develop high-level "critical success factors" for each aspect of the HR model.
8) Document and present the "To-Be" Human Resource Model.
DEL4_050 "To-Be" Measurement Dashboard
1) Develop guidelines (or "groundrules") for defining an appropriate set of measurements
2) Review/define performance requirements for the new processes.
3) Validate the suitability of performance indicators/mechanisms in use for each process.
4) Present to the full senior management team for discussion and approval.
DEL4_060 "To-Be" Validation
1) Select method(s) of process validation (e.g. Challenge Sessions).
2) Conduct validation activities
3) Analyze validation results and present them to senior management.
4) Make applicable changes to new processes based on results of validation activities.
5) Utilize the confirmed visualization as the basis for further communications.
DEL4_070 Information Technology System Requirements
1) Determine level of detail of the "functional" IT requirements.
2) Identify the "functional" IT and "business requirements" of the redesigned processes.
3) Prioritize requirements and perform weighting (if necessary)
DEL4_080 Hardware Selection/Software Selection (Package Software)
1) Survey the marketplace to determine whether an "off-the-shelf" solution exists.
2) Build a requirements matrix, prioritize it, and weight each factor.
3) Define the selection approach
4) Select a list of possible vendors.
5) Inform selected vendors about the selection process.
6) Conduct a vendor conference and/or respond to vendor inquiries.
7) Evaluate the preferred packages.
8) Conduct product demonstrations with a "short-list" of vendors.
9) Contact user-references provided by the vendor to obtain independent views.
10) Select the preferred vendor based on a balanced judgment of the best solution.
11) Negotiate a contract with the preferred vendor.
DEL4_090 Business Case
1) Identify/confirm the format of the Business Case, based on its defined purpose.
2) Develop a cost profile for each project.
3) Develop a benefit profit for each project.
4) Validate the information with key clients and identify preferred scenarios.
5) Consolidate individual project information into single summary.
6) Pre-present Business Case to decision maker(s)/Executive Steering Committee.
7) Alter the Business Case to reflect scenarios identified during initial pre-presentations.
8) Develop and present the final Business Case to the client and Steering Committee.
9) Communicate the Business Case to the entire organization.
DEL4_100 Migration Human Resource Strategy
1) Determine the key elements of the strategy and discuss approaches and time frames.
2) Identify competencies required to perform anticipated duties required of each element.
3) Initiate coordination activities for each principle element identified in the strategy.
4) Obtain management approval (and funding) for the provisions in the strategy.
5) Widely communicate the support options and policy changes to all employees.
DEL4_110 Migration Plan
1) Define the migration strategy (e.g. key milestones or "plateaus", guiding principles)
2) Develop migration plan.
3) Identify and agree on the specific responsibilities of sponsors.
4) Review the Communication Plan and adjust to reflect the current needs of the project.
5) Develop mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing progress and implementation.
Phase 5 Design Details
DEL5_010 Detailed Process Descriptions
1) Identify specific "groundrules" guiding level of detail of the process review.
2) Select a modeling approach/tool
3) Construct detailed processes
4) Assess the impact of the business solution given the detailed process descriptions.
5) Document results.
6) Verify and finalize with design team and management.
DEL5_020 Technical Specifications
1) Identify and understand technical configuration options for each IT component.
2) Determine interdependencies required among different IT component.
3) Develop draft technology standards for all components
4) Review draft standards with appropriate client personnel.
5) Finalize and document standards.
DEL5_030 Organization Structure
1) Develop/adapt a set of principles to guide the new organization structure.
2) Develop potential organizational scenarios.
3) Present options to senior management and obtain their preferred scenario decision. 4) Create a detailed organizational model for the preferred scenario.
5) Determine where (and whether) existing units/positions fit.
DEL5_040 Delineation of Roles/Responsibilities
1) Construct a table linking organizational personnel categories to new processes.
2) Obtain consensus from decision-makers on the delineation of roles.
3) Finalize the table, and integrate it with the proposed Organization Structure.
DEL5_050 Workforce Numbers and Cost
1) Build a spreadsheet linking "To-Be" Process Model steps and other projections.
2) Determine the volume of product/services expected for each of the new processes.
3) Determine the 'applied time' or level of effort for each category of personnel.
4) Translate the estimated level of effort into number of resources required.
5) Apply an average salary cost to each category of personnel to determine the total.
6) Integrate the estimates of FTEs into final versions of the Organizational Structure.
DEL5_060 Portrait of Desired Behaviors
1) Review the proposed process, human resource and technological design solutions.
2) Develop a workshop format.
3) Conduct a series of workshops to discuss the difficulties and facilitation of change.
4) Develop a succinct outline of the findings and include recommendations.
DEL5_070 Competency Needs Assessment
1) Build a 'competency profile' of the new knowledge, skills and abilities required.
2) Identify gap between the current and desired level of competency in specific areas.
3) Analyze the results to identify and prioritize competency gaps.
4) Report the results to all levels of sponsorship and employees.
DEL5_080 Physical Infrastructure Requirements
1) Determine the impact of the proposed business solution on physical facilities.
2) Review facilities impact list and identify the nature and extent of required changes.
3) Develop physical infrastructure plans to complete the desired changes.
DEL5_090 Policy/Regulation Changes
1) Develop a 'long-list' of policy, legislation and regulation issues.
2) Analyze the full extent of policy issue impacts.
3) Draft a policy change plan based on the findings of interviews/focus groups.
DEL5_100 Committed Project Results and Budgets
1) Understand the client's formal process for project funding and capital requisitions.
2) Review Business Case documentation, assumptions, constraints and risks.
3) Review the Migration Plan logic, assumptions and dependencies.
4) Accumulate and refine the cost information determined during Design Details phase.
5) Define the result and benefit details and associated tracking mechanisms.
6) Describe and think through the mechanisms to realize the benefits.
7) Validate benefit potential and benefit drivers with employee representatives
8) Assess risks, constraints and assumptions for implementation.
9) Prepare the appropriate documentation and format.
10) Prepare for the management review and approval meetings.
11) Review all with management.
12) Make adjustments based on feedback.
Phase 6 Build
DEL6_010 Package Software Modifications
1) Compile a list of modifications to the package software.
2) Establish a 'production and testing environment'.
3) Develop software modifications (based on previously-defined specifications).
DEL6_020 Custom Software Development
1) Establish a 'production and testing environment' for the development process.
2) Build databases required for development.
3) Develop/modify selected software.
DEL6_030 Implementation Pilots
1) Choose the locations for the Implementation Pilots.
2) Design each pilot implementation.
3) Undertake the Implementation Pilot.
4) Summarize pilot implementation results to determine ramifications for implementation.
DEL6_040 Information Technology Operations Guide
1) Determine the requirements of the IT System Operations Manual.
2) Draft individual procedures.
3) Compile a draft IT System Operations Guide.
4) Review guide with the appropriate decision-makers and revise, as appropriate.
5) Test procedures with selected IT staff using the draft documentation.
6) Finalise guide.
DEL6_050 Process/User's Manual
1) Design a structure for the Process/User's Manual.
2) Formulate individual procedures and compile a 'strawman' (rough draft) manual.
3) Review strawman with selected process stakeholders.
4) Develop and compile the final version of the manual. Test and revise, as appropriate.
DEL6_060 Information Technology Testing
1) Define type and phases of testing to occur during the system development lifecycle.
2) Develop the plans for testing.
3) Determine/assign testing responsibilities.
4) Set up a special 'test environment' to ensure that assessments can be 'clean'.
5) Conduct the IT tests, report and investigate 'incidents' and repeat tests.
6) Compile and evaluate final test results and obtain appropriate sign-offs.
7) Tune performance of the IT system based on test results.
DEL6_070 Position/Competency Profiles
1) Review the Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities chart.
2) Review detailed descriptions of the 'To-Be' process to identify skill, experience, etc.
3) Obtain and review work description benchmarks for various categories of personnel.
4) Break down the Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities and identify competencies.
5) Review draft profiles with a core project team member to ensure process alignment.
6) Review draft Position/Competency Profiles to identify/eliminate gaps and overlaps .
7) Obtain management feedback and approval.
DEL6_080 Learning Strategy and Materials
1) Develop guiding principles for the learning strategy.
2) Group common competencies and identify patterns of needs across the organization.
3) Establish local teams to investigate the best solution to meet specific learning needs.
4) Establish and publish clear statements on priority of learning needs and on budgets.
5) Request that individuals/teams develop a project plan.
6) Co-ordinate the development of the learning materials.
7) Develop and finalize programs and materials.
DEL6_090 Measurement System
1) Identify the measure/metrics to be collected.
2) Define collection frequency or timing of measures.
3) Assign responsibility for the collection of performance data.
4) Define tools to be used to collect performance data.
5) Implement the performance measurement system.
6) follow-up with a review of the implementation to ensure there were no problems.
7) Identify mechanism to reassess process measures over time.
DEL6_100 Facility Layout/Construction
1) Select site for new facility (or modified layout of an existing facility).
2) Design the new facility.
3) Construct the new facility.
4) Initiate operations (or change the layout of the existing facility).
5) Obtain sign-off from the client decision-maker as they take acceptance.
DEL6_110 New/Revised Policies
1) Obtain and review copies of existing policy text.
2) Formulate a draft version of each new/changed policy.
3) Review the draft text with one or more members of the core project team.
4) Review all draft policies to identify and eliminate inadvertent gaps and overlaps.
5) Develop an accompanying document that explains each policy change rationale.
6) Obtain management feedback and approval.
DEL6_120 Data Migration
1) Build a data model and/or a data dictionary
2) Determine the data to be converted
3) Undertake a study of the availability and "integrity" of the data.
4) Define a data conversion strategy.
5) Undertake data conversion activities. Collect, prepare and load start-up data.
6) Conduct data conversion tests and obtain client acceptance.
DEL6_130 Performance Support and Recognition
1) Convene a taskforce to develop an integrated approach to Performance Support.
2) Review related deliverables prev iously completed.
3) Investigate Best Practice Comparisons in the area of performance management.
4) Explore past history on how the organization recognizes productive behaviour.
5) Develop a draft strategy, focusing on key principles and policies.
6) Gain support for the strategy.
7) Build the corporate and business-unit Performance Support and Recognition system.
8) Manage the development of the Performance Support and Recognition systems.
DEL6_140 Acceptance Test
1) Develop the Acceptance Test plans.
2) Assign testing responsibilities.
3) Set up a "clean environment" for conducting the tests.
4) Conduct the Acceptance test. Obtain sign-off from the User Manager.
5) Obtain customer acceptance of Acceptance Test results and approval for roll-out.
DEL6_150 Implementation Plans
1) Define the implementation strategy
2) Develop implementation plan
3) Identify and gain management consensus on the specific responsibilities of sponsors.
4) Review the Communication Plan, and modify as required.
5) Develop mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the progress of change activities.
Phase 7 Implement
DEL7_010 Business Solution Roll-Out
1) Prepare installation site.
2) Conduct pre-implementation awareness and technical training, if required.
3) Install/ test business solution components, and complete pre-implementation training.
4) "Go-live" with the new business solution.
5) Discontinue obsolete aspects of the old approach and IT system.
6) Complete post-installation activities.
7) Obtain client agreement that installation and roll-out activities are now complete.
DEL7_020 Performance Feedback
1) Review performance information of newly implemented system.
2) Analyze performance information and take appropriate actions.
DEL7_030 Learning Programs
1) Pilot test the learning design with a representative group of participants.
2) Ensure all facilitators are briefed, well experienced and have the documentation.
3) Provide coaching support for facilitators.
4) Provide a full set of marketing materials that specify the benefits of the programs.
5) Offer administration support by organizing facilitators and materials.
6) Follow through and report the results of all evaluations.
7) Establish a process for review and updating of the Learning Strategy and Materials.
DEL7_040 Support Infrastructure
1) Conduct workshops to determine the requirements for the Support Infrastructure.
2) Define responsibilities and institute programs for the support infrastructure.
Phase 8 Enhance
DEL8_010 Continuous Improvement Program
1) Conduct interviews to determine potential focus areas for continuous improvement.
2) Draw up the elements of the Continuous Improvement Plan.